Tag: Straight Wolf
this is what happens when you f*ck someone a little too good

I had to wonder:
When will we learn to stop thinking with our…
little heads?
there’s a saying: you can’t tell a hard dick nothing.
this might explain why so many males end up in constant chaos.
the dick takes control and ain’t trying to hear common sense and reasoning.
from entangling with folks we shouldn’t to catching diseases like pokémon,
we often fall victim to our lack of self-control.
take my straight wolf friend,
for instance.
we’ll call him hanky…
You Can’t Be Friends With A Straight Male Without Fuckin’ Him
we meet straight males daily.
some are super uncomfortable with even being next to us.
they feel “the gay” will rub off on them like their parents said it would.
a small few hang with us because they are curious.
i mean,
can we talk?
they pick us because we make them feel most comfortable to experiment.
the rest are my favorites.
110% straight
don’t give a fuck
look at you like a brother
the dynamic works because of the whole “straight and gay” difference.
they treat you better than they do their wolf pack.
sometimes the vixen.
you know what really grinds my gears tho?…
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There Takes A Certain Kind of Straight Wolf To Handle The Foxhole
…and he is completely straight.
see that?
that is class.
that is how a real man responds to jamari fox.
f-bi from left and right emailed me today to alert me he shouted me out.
at first i was nervous,
but when i peeped it,
i was absolutely flattered.
see when i write about a wolf,
usually everyone takes notice.
i didn’t realize that my site is pretty known in these streets.
men and women tune in to see what (or who) i’m talking about.
honestly speaking,
the wolves i write about are straight (or until proven otherwise).
i simply appreciate the male body and what it looks like sculpted.
there are a select few who appreciate the love,
but the rest think muhfuckas trying to rape them out here.
like get all the way over yourself.
thank you omarion for appreciating what i do.
your kind words made me day!
whose next?
(Bitch) Don’t Kill My Vibe
i believe in energy.
i believe your energy,
whatever it is you’re feeling,
can be transferred to someone else.
so depending on how you use that energy,
you can either inspire or repel.
it simple.
bitch don’t kill my vibe.
when things are going great in my life,
my energy can be at an all time high.
when I’m low,
i will never deny that i can be a bit of a downer.
i will let you know and quickly take a mental vacation.
shut everything down so i can regroup.
with this site,
it helps me to vent and just be as honest about things as i can.
things i wouldn’t tell people around me.
left on the other hand…
Continue reading “(Bitch) Don’t Kill My Vibe” →
My Stripper Name Would Be “Booty Booty Foxi Cheeks”
my straight wolf friend had some time to burn before his meeting.
he texted me earlier to see if he could come through.
i was in the middle of making breakfast so i said why not?
when he arrived,
i threw on another omlettes and turned on love and hiphop atl.
i missed all the ratchetness last night so i needed to catch up.
as we ate the omelets i prepared,
he asked me an interesting question…
Continue reading “My Stripper Name Would Be “Booty Booty Foxi Cheeks”” →
The “F” Bomb
“yeah whatever you fuckin’ faggot”
i had to re-read the text this morning.
we have argued before,
but never like this.
i was ready to go over to his doorstep to have him repeat it.
straight wolf who has been my friend damn near 8 years,
someone i trusted enough to reveal myself to,
dropped the “f” bomb on me.
i told him i was tired of him only hitting me up to talk to me about her.
his new bitch.
i don’t like her.
she treats him like shit.
swims in his wallet.
i thought he was only in it because of the pussy.
i guess not.
just last week he hit me up to tell me that he is over her.
he also said i do something she doesn’t…
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