snoop ain’t gonna have his bag stopped (the public apology to gayle king)

some may think power is having a ton of followers on social media.
being visible to brands and having access to the best events.
true power is in having influence and connections.
it’s making a call and having someone “handled“.
it’s not being petty on social media.
it’s stopping your bag by making one or two phone calls.
powerful people have powerful friends.
it could end up making a grown ass male issue a public apology.
that’s whats going through my head anyway.
“theshaderoom” posted the public apology from snoop to gayle king.

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bill cosby has twitter fingers?

i’m always fascinated how they get certain things in jail.
i know that being a celeb makes it easier to get contraband.
bill cosby decided to weigh in with all this “gayle king” drama.
he is in jail for a 3 to 10 year sentence.
snoop mentioned his name and this is what he put on his twitter…

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