All Dogs Go To Heaven

rhoa-s6-ep12-kenya-velvetwatching #rhoa tonight,
i really felt sorry for kenya moore.
of course people were laughing at her online,
but only certain kinds of people would understand.
if you didn’t see the episode,
then you shouldn’t go underneath the break…

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Always Let The Doofus Do Your Dirty Work ( #RHOA Street Talk )

PORSHAWOMPWOMPso that “dumb blonde” act is real?
so the streets is talking
and they saying porsha looking like a unemployed doofus in these streets.
blogging peer tamara tattles,
who usually gets all the official street talk,
got the intel on what allegedly happened at reunion-gate at #rhoa…
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So Kenya Moore Had Said…

Screen Shot 2014-03-28 at 10.40.39 PMthis is why i like kenya moore.
i guess i’m the only one,
but it’s whatever.
she’s entertaining.
i completely agree with her tho.
personally i’m not into fist fighting in the street like a commoner.
i’ll leave that for the ratchets.
now if you charge at me like a wild silverback gorilla,
i’m not above:

tumblr_moc53qXk6r1spfd6uo1_500…and then tell the police i was in fear for my life.

lowkey: i was wondering about this fight today at work.
it seems very unlike the real housewives franchise.
why do i feel like moose leakes sent this story to the tabloid to start shit?

The Brawl Heard Round The Reunion ( #RHOA Reunion, That Is)

1353343892_kenya-moore-porsha-stewart-350kenya vs porsha shootin’ the ones at the rhoa reunion???
an f-bi had to send me a fox signal of this alleged fuckery.
well shit it made us weekly
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Baby I’m Giving Your Booty Away Tonight (Hand Me A Condom)

vibe-vixen-miss-lawrence-lipstick-and-t-shirt-lineso i watched the shenanigans of #rhoa tonight.
miss lawrence went on this trip to mexico and had a lot to stay.
first he got mad at the help for addressing him as a “sir”.
well exxxxxxcuuussssedddd me.
clearly she missed the heels he was wearing.
this episode he said something that had me blown away.
so “he hadda said”…
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My Vagina Allows Me To Does What I Wants

tumblr_mudg1xm8Rb1rn892lo1_r1_400now before i write this,
i have to add a quick disclaimer.
i love females.
i am on this earth and writing this entry because of a woman.
okay so now that is out the way,
because the “pussy power pantyliner party” would have a fit.
so something made me feel funny while watching #rhoa today.
i always hear females screaming this and i have never agreed with it.
so remember the part on the episode

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