she was racist, got fired, and will probably be rich af soon

everyone cheered when they heard this white she-jackal was fired from her job.
she is the one who went viral for using the “n” word,
while cooking something i’m sure was only seasoned with salt and pepper,
and looking like what harrison butkler was talking about in his speech.
for those who missed it:

she didn’t even care at all.
she boldly said “a certain community“.
i heard through the forests she allegedly worked at a black company.
( x read about her getting fired here )

well i feel like ya’ll need to hold ya’ll cheers

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the ultimate karen becomes another ultimate example for us to feast on her destruction

you would think after all the many other examples,
these white jackals and hyenas would understand how social media works.
the tides have turned baby.
your racist behavior will not be tolerated in this decade.
so many have gotten exposed and cancelled that you’d think folks would be smarter.
they’re all still idiots.
i enjoyed how this karen was trying to get this “african american” lynched in central park:

…while choking out her dog as she tearfully called the cops,
but has become another example on cancellation canyon…

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no blacks or “angry gorillas” allowed (and the white gay was dragged mercilessly for it)

some white gays are not attraced to black gays.
preference is one thing; racist bullshit is another.
this black gay male got rejected by a white gay male on grindr.
it was how he was rejected that went viral on twitter.
peep the expose
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“they’ll” call the police on you if your dog isn’t on a leash

i wonder what would happen if…

…minorities started calling the police on white folks every chance we got?

that is a question i keep asking myself.
well ^that white she-jackal is being added to the growing list of “idiots”.
she wanted to call the police on a a minority without their dog on a leash.
this is what went down via “raw story“…

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liam neeson wants you to understand he isn’t racist

maybe azealia banks was right about some of the irish.
so 2 months into 2019 and the fuckery is overflowing.
this is the most disrespectful thing i’ve seen admitted this year.
last year was some ol other shit.
so is liam neeson cancelled?
this quote about what he wanted to do after his friend was raped.
this is the quote from “independent”:

 “She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way,” Neeson says. “But my immediate reaction was …” There’s a pause. “I asked, did she know who it was? No. What colour were they? She said it was a black person.

“I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody — I’m ashamed to say that — and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could,” another pause, “kill him.”

his co-star said “holy shit” right after he admitted it.
his own scalp probably had “hurted”.

i think he was feeling the potential dragging of liam.
liam went on “gma” to address why he isn’t racist…

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the hyena who used rat poison as his weapon with racism

how can you tell you are being poisoned?
that’s a good question.
i’m sure the weeks of illness is the first clue.
yukai yang,
^the hyena in the above picture,
thought he’d poison his black roommate and get away with it.
think again.
i was absolutely horrified at this story via “raw story”
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