Tag: peanut the squirrel
do you think peanut the squirrel was putting nuts in this hole?
Allegedly fonting,
of course.
I’m late on this (w)hole Peanut the Squirrel debacle.
over the weekend,
i ended up watching this video from tiktok about it.
in a nutshell,
no pun intended,
the owner should not have had that squirrel in the first place.
peanut and a pet racoon ended up getting taken away and euthanized.
in that tikok,
it was mentioned the owner was attractive so i wanted to be nosy.
he is “one of those”.
the Fox-vine was fonting that even tho he has a wife,
he seems to allegedly appeal to gay males.
so then i went down even more of a hole than i should have.
i landed in a deep one.
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