f0xmail: I’m A Professional Who Is Tired of Paying For Escorts. Please Help!


Good Afternoon Jamari!

I wanted to tell a sincere thanks for brightening up my day and providing insight into this “life.” As you know, being a fox or hybrid is especially tough when you are smart, handsome, and about your business.

Despite the weather (which I hope all of the eastern seaboard is doing well), I need your assistance. In this cold and lonely world of the southern concrete jungle AKA Atlanta, I am facing the dilemma of dating and building meaningful relationships and friendships.  Bc I have decent resources and a nice personality, I have enlisted the services of escorts. Some of them are off the chain body wise and getting some dry humping.

Its exciting but its only for a moment. You get the fantasy but not the realness of a conversation or intimacy. I have one that I had to tell him how to hold me and how to let me ride him. But you would think that in his profession he would make me moist. No sir!

The other one was a regular nigga that was gay for pay that did the most but there was no emotional connection. I get more moist looking off your website than the real thing.

Jamari.. I need your advice because I’m tired of paying out of pocket for love and false intimacy. I am a professional black man and my next step is the on-line dating but I’m worry about the privacy and what is legitimate.  I’m tired of being lonely and I want more and demand more.



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i am be the greatest fox alive.
i live a comfortable life.
i am wealthy.
i know ballers wolves.
i have great friends.
i have amazing readers.
i have a lot of connections.
i will continue to be a success with ideas.

all of those things are absolutely true.
some just haven’t happened yet,
but some have already started happening.
they will because i have aligned my self talk with my desires.

in life, you could either be beaten down and accept the bullshit life hands to you.
start getting yourself ready for battle.
you need to be brave in this world.
life is not for weaklings and softies.
only the strong survive.
being black and liking men already puts you behind everyone else…
or does it?
we are lucky in many ways.
for one,
no annoying child support and we tend to be blessed with SUPER HUMAN LIKE talent.

we choose which direction we want to go.
we choose how people will react to us.
we also choose whether we want respect or bad treatment.
i demand respect.
you should too.
that is the first step in aligning yourself towards where you want to be.
no one should tell you who you are.
you should ALWAYS tell them.
below are some rules i follow to be great…


That Wolf Is Really The Sexy Girlfriend

it’s all in his body.
his amazing muscular/toned body.
he is a modern day greek god.
he spends hours a day working out and sculpting that absolute perfection.
in his pictures online, he is always giving you a pure bred “WOLF“.
you would not think otherwise.
he has the poses down and the look on “i’m fucking you so hard tonight“.
the way he rocks a fitted and sags his jeans makes you think he should be doing a duet with drake or meek mill.
he has a thousand foxes, jackals, and hyenas lusting after him in his online pictures.
the thirst is definitely real.

but in some twist of fate, you see him in person.
you instantly get brick.
he walks up to you,
or you observe him from afar,
and then this flies out his mouth:

Don’t you hate thatttttttttttt?

Continue reading “That Wolf Is Really The Sexy Girlfriend”

I Met A Wolf and I’m Already Acting Like “Boomquisha”.

“nothing sup with you…”
“liked your pictures and i want to get to know you…”
“lol i said i want to get to know you. i’m feeling what i see…”
“wait, what?”
“are you okay?
“i’m fine, i’m not retarded. you’re just… different… and that’s different.”


yeah foxes…
no sex?
no “how fat is my ass“?
no” when can we fuck“?
no “can we chill one day to watch a movie“?
you actually… want to get know me?
what’s wrong with you?

an illusion?
a robot?
your left leg is longer than the right?

we all have a hidden “boomquisha/pookie” within us.
that “eye rolling/huffin and puffin/”why is you lying?” spirit that thinks everything is not what it is.
as much as we want to be “buffy/scott“:
the smiling/excited/naive spirit!
… we sometimes simply can’t.

you stay with a hard eye roll because you already know “seeing it believing” and “niggas is bullshit“.
it is a shocker when someone in the lifestyle actually wants to get to know you.
are we so jaded into already thinking the wolf on the other end may only be interested in one thing?
or, is this what the lifestyle has brought us?

i started to wonder…

Do we sabotage potential relationships with our thoughts?

Continue reading “I Met A Wolf and I’m Already Acting Like “Boomquisha”.”

I Choked On His Penis and Even Let Him Run A Train On Me… and I Still Ain’t Get Chose.

I fucked that nigga again.
It was good, as always.
But, I don’t want to tie him down.
We fucked on the first day we met so why would I tie him down?
So I just keep on fallin for a fat ass.
None of these bottoms make it hard for a nigga.
Too many hoes out here.
– a real admission from a Wolf.


Is he right?
I feel like he is.
There ARE way too many hoes out here.
You can get online and talk to someone with no self worth to fuck.
They think because they met a “trade“,
they need to prove themselves by sucking the skin off his dick and letting him smash raw.
But, how do you prove to these Wolves you are different?
How do you prove you are more than just a meaningless fuck?
Or, because we are gay, we will never be looked at more than that?
I had to ask…

Are we, as Foxes, all just waiting to be chose?

Continue reading “I Choked On His Penis and Even Let Him Run A Train On Me… and I Still Ain’t Get Chose.”


What is going on here?
Is this a “sneak a pic“?

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