some new yawk males are like the zoo: look but don’t touch

the new yawk male,
especially the ones from the forests of brooklyn.

mmm mmm mmm.
it is always a good time with them.
they know how to party,
can “tawk” their way out of most things,
and are skilled hustlers.
you want something cheaper or need access somewhere and they got you.

It’s all good until you start fucking them.

after living here for so long,
i’ve learned many things about the males out here.

and don’t fall for the bullshit.

“TF is you talkin’ about?????????” should be a staple in your vocabulary.
you gotta be ready to cuss a pineapple out in a second.
i shared the following video with The Foxholers yesterday.
many hit me up and i had to wipe the drool from off their chin…

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new yawk tough… until mother nature is on her period

new yawk is a tough city,
but it’s one of those states that can’t take too much damage with the weather.
we not like texas or florida up here.
any strong gust of wind and the national guard is called.
even with too much snow,
it can fuck us up.
new yawk is built for light mood swings by mother nature.
we can’t deal with her full-blown temper tantrums like how she do down south.
i knew it was gonna rain,
but i didn’t think it was gonna feel like i was in a whirlpool

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once you get back to new yawk, you’re gonna be handcuffed until…

they aren’t playing in new yawk with the rona.
we can travel,
but as soon as we get back,
we are literally stalked by the health department and their traveler’s unit.
the pretty vixen mentioned on the podcast that she traveled to cali for thanksgiving.
the health department has been stalking her ever since she got back.
they said if she leaves her spot,
and they catch her,
she will have to pay a 10,000 fine.
so she is literally stuck in his apartment and has a trip to jamaica planned next week.
to check in on her again,
they sent her this text today…

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the hasidic jewish community had brooklyn looking like a scene outta gotham city last night

new yawk is more and more starting to look like gotham these days.
crime is on the rise and we have no batman to rescue us.
if we wanna really go there,
the whole country is being held hostage by the joker.
only a super villain would hold stimulus checks ransom if he doesn’t get another term.
vote or die.
he has created so much chaos that the civilians are starting to rebel.
here in new yawk,
cuomo and de blasio have started shutting down various communities due to the rona rise.
the hasidic jewish community wasn’t feeling it so they went full “arkham city” last night…

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new yawk enjoyed the ro-ro so much, she added more dates for her tour

cuomo tried so hard to keep us in new yawk in line.
folks was starting to believe the ro-ro was over.
they had me believing the rona too.
i knew when folks started getting restless,
they were gonna start traveling to all the covid nests throughout this country.

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the answer to new yawk’s rat problem has arrived

i’ll never forget one time i was standing on the D train platform at 125th.
i had my headphone volume at “do not talk to me“.
i saw these random folks trying to get my attention and pointing at my foot.
when i look down…

THIS RAT IS SNIFFING MY SHOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

screamed like a a whole girl and ran down the platform.
rats in new yawk do not respect us,
but i think we might have the answer for their asses.
look at what was found on a train platform over the weekend via “the daily mail“…
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