Tag: mad
the barbz are still picking on cardi b
so ima be honest with the foxhole about something.
i’m lowkey into cardi b.
one day,
when i was going to that last job i worked at,
i decided to listen to her album on the way there.
i really wanted to know what the hub bub was all about.
i haven’t stopped listening since.
that spat she had with nicki drew me to her of some reason too.
 i haven’t really been paying attention to cardi/nicki drama,
but i did see she had a message for the barbz on “the shade room”.
this is what she had to say on her ig live…
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the ig stories of a mad black todrick hall
todrick hall is checking the box “single” today.
so he was ^dating that snow wolf above,
but he had a lot to say on his ig stories.
you know that’s the place to air out all your dirty laundry.
well this is what he posted…
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they got kanye defending his wife’s past sex life now
kanye has moved back to chicago.
he proved it by taking a photo like so:
…but alas,
he is having a problem since his move.
nick cannon and drake are his problem.
nick because of this on vlad tv:
…and drake insinuating he allegedly slept with kim.
he walked around his new forest while addressing the issue…
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king james keeps the president seething
if you didn’t think he was the king before…
so lebron james is out here doing the Lord’s work.
as you know,
he just ( x opened up an elementary school ) called “i promise”.
it’s in his hometown of akron, ohio.
i bet if anyone tries to shade him,
all he gotta say is “open up a school”.
as you also know,
he called trump a bum in a tweet last year:
…and he explained more about it in a recent interview with don lemon:
well our busy and mature president found time to respond on his usual.
this is what he tweeted about lebron and even don…
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bow wow ain’t with the bloggers and your comments
his eyes looks sad.
now i understand what folks meant by that.
i think we all need to start considering folks feelings.
celebrities included.
it’s hard considering some folks are so daggone stupid.
bow wow is one who wants to be left alone.
he’s having a full meltdown on his twitter and ig today.
this time,
he’s launching missiles at all the bloggers.
except “the shade room”.
the ones who do “smash or pass” in his expense.
this is what he had to font…
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michael b jordan is on that boat to talk about his meatballs
everyone wants to know who michael b jordan is fucking.
i mean,
we all do.
the thing is,
michael claims he likes black vixens,
but gets allegedly caught up with “others”.
the racially ambiguous and snow bunnies.
so when the black vixens saw these pictures on “the shade room”…
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