the gays are the reason the kids are all turning gay!!!!

Do you ever wonder what goes through someone’s head when they spew pure hatred in public?

where is the home training?

they strut out in public,
going HAM about communities they don’t hate,
without a care in the forest or other people’s feelings.
they acting like burner accounts brought to life.
a Foxholer sent me a story about a gay male,
encountering hate at the gym.
some jackal barged into the sauna,
spewing his venomous thoughts about gay men and…

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i don’t want my kid seeing me be gay or affectionate with my partner

kids need to be handled with a certain care.
there are many who shouldn’t have kids as they are still mentally childish.
as much flaws as my late mother had,
i can recognize she wanted me to be a kid for as long as i could.
she made me turn around during sex scenes,
didn’t like me watching too much violence,
and when it came to her relationships with wolves,
she didn’t “do the most” when i was around with them.
a Foxholer sent me the following that i had to stew on.

you know i luh to stew.
there are my thoughts

Continue reading “i don’t want my kid seeing me be gay or affectionate with my partner”

the throwback about steven beck, his husband, and a past entry on the foxhole

^this is such a cute family.
i hope my manz and i look as good as this in our pictures.
the foxhole has some six degrees of separation going on.
we always do in this forest.
a vix-bi wanted to share the alleged throwback with the foxhole…

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your sperm has been going on faces or tissues (kids, when tho?)

i hate when i hear people pressuring others to have kids.
why do they even care?
some people freak out when i say i don’t want kids.
“i don’t like them and i don’t want them.”
add on:
they are expensive and the way they setting this country up nowadays…

it’s like they pressure you into something “because you are supposed to“.
i don’t think i ever wanted kids tbh.
as a kid,
i never dreamed of being a dad.
did i even want to be married?
as you get deep into your 30s and you are chillin’,
everyone starts to ask and wonder

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(Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images)

i know that i’m going to date a wolf with kids.
as we grow up,
males have kids and also realize they are attracted to other males too.
i don’t want to meet their kids until it is serious between me and dad.
i’m not trying to play “new daddy” but that’s a lot during the first stages.
i know vixens who don’t introduce any partners to their kids.
they only meet the kids once the relationship gets serious.
i hate when vixens have randoms all around their children.
i was reading up on this whole former basketball wives star,
royce reed,
and the debacle involving her kid last night.
her 14-year-old son was allegedly molesting other kids.
she turned herself in for felony child neglect

she ain’t looking like ya’ll chika right now

ya know,
i thought after the last incident with rapper chika,
she would go out trying to win.
( x see last incident here )
cue tyra:

chika thought it was a bright idea to diss people kids on twitter

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