Kanye Doesn’t Want You To Come To His Therapy Sessions

kanye-161001-660x380-bb0f3e187eso it looks like kanye is over…
unlike janet and her pregnancy,
kanye has cancelled his “st. pablo tour”completely.
those who had tickets…
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Kanye Rants About Beyonce and Does Other Peculiar Things

tumblr_static_afs49igni74k8o4okk84kko44_640_v2ya’ll still pay to see kanye live?
good luck with that.
well kanye is at it again in one of his concerts.
i mean,
this is nothing new.
his latest situation that happend in sacramento had:

male on male bonding with kid cudi
beyonce ranting
mic droppin/leaving early

an f-bi led me the following videos.
i don’t know exactly what order,
but here they go
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The Great Kardashian Jewelry Heist: Season 10; Episode One

tumblr_oehuvyylfw1ud22g2o1_1280so i’m sure you’ve heard.
it’s all over social media,
the news,
and the water cooler.

kim kardashian

9 million dollars in jewelry stolen
hog tied with an apple stuffed in her mouth

the last part i exaggerated,
but imagine…
anyway if you want more background,
then you need to google.
or ask a friend at happy hour.
i’m going to give my thoughts to the foxhole.
so here goes…
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Bring A Portable Fan To Ye’s Fashion Show!

crx1fipwyaacizbye was having all kinds of issues with his fashion show today.
first of all,
he had it in the blazing sun on roosevelt island.
why is this?
all his multi racial models were completely over the nonsense.
one even fainted.
this is what the new york post had to say…
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“I WANTED LIGHT! NO DARK!” – Ye Screamed at His Lowly Assistant

ye held a casting call for:

“non-black vixens who look fuckable without make up on”

…in so many words.
well a vix-bi sent me footage from all who showed up.
this was taken from @crownedkingnye ig and well…
Continue reading ““I WANTED LIGHT! NO DARK!” – Ye Screamed at His Lowly Assistant”


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tell your bi racial-ed and flawless skinned-ed vixen friends!
also tell them go “double agent” and get me some scoop!
if kim shows up,
i want pictures.

thanks foxhole!

lowkey: sounds like he trying to cast a new “alicia keys”.