they are about to send “well you’re fired” emails to those who don’t wanna let go of WFH

after my last job,
one of my life’s passions is to drag toxic corporate environments and bosses.
i’ll drag a toxic job while drinking chamomile tea and listening to mozart.
that tweet above highlights the dark side of the panny coming to an end tbh…

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the patterns aren’t broken, the sex might just be blinding them atm

when someone has a particular way of doing things consistently,
that can be a sign of who the person is.
we often ignore patterns because we hope things to be different.
we saw glimpses of those patterns as we got to know them,
but we chose to ignore it.

“When a person shows you who they are,
believe them.” – The great and late,
Maya Angelou.

one of my favorite quotes.
we like to think we are these special snowflakes when it comes to others,
that we’ll treated differently than those from their past,
but i’m here to font you…

Continue reading “the patterns aren’t broken, the sex might just be blinding them atm”

my name is not susan.

i hate when i’m compared to someone in their past.
they always make them out to be this angel that came down to earth,
but could never explain why that angel bounced out of their lives.
legit like this:

sidebar: i love this scene.
some shit i’d do.
future wolf:
don’t ever make that mistake.
your exes are banished.

at these jobs out here,
they always like to talk about the person you replaced.
well it happened at my job today

Continue reading “my name is not susan.”

abuse me, job daddy


getting a job is hard enough as it is.
it’s all unnecessary stress,

a resume has to have “certain keywords” in order to be picked
looking for a job is like a full-time job
you may have to go through 5 interviews plus a speed round

after 2 years of interviewing,
you finally land on a job that hopefully pays well.
it’s not until after the initial training honeymoon phase…

Continue reading “abuse me, job daddy”

White Folks Are The Cosign We Need To Advance Our Careers?

life is all about the “cosign”.
imagine how easy you’ll have it if you get a cosign from oprah?
that would be like winning the lottery out here..
oprah is busy and we have to find our cosigns through another way.
it led me to wonder…

Do we need a white cosign to get us to the next level?

Continue reading “White Folks Are The Cosign We Need To Advance Our Careers?”

I Got Turned Down Twice Today

i’ve had it.
i’ve simply had it.

so i wanted to keep this under wraps until it came through.
i was so excited about it,
but i wanted to chill until it was set in stone.
2 weeks ago,
i had a big interview with a big sports agency.
it would have been working close with the new yawk sports teams.
you guessed it?…

Continue reading “I Got Turned Down Twice Today”