Tag: jacobi
so i have thoughts on grandy glaze take down debut that jacobi paid for

This is another side to taking down the gay for pay but straight wolf.
if he has had no prior attraction or experience with other males,
regardless of the “role” you’re paying for,
you’re probably not going to get the fantasy you had in mind.
if he is plays the role of “the wolf”,
you’ll get the basic stroke resume.
if he is of “the fox”,
he’ll whine and may even paint you.
if there is no chemistry between you both,
or he is 110% straight and this is a transaction,
both roles will be uncomfortable and awkward.
Now if he is ruthless and ya’ll have great chemistry,
you are going to get turnt out or he’ll want to learn how to turn you out.
those types are the special unicorns in the forests.
porn hybrid,
might have paid a pretty penny for our resident “gay of pander” attentionosto,
grandy glaze.
many Foxholers far,
and in-between had me on high alert.
i watched the scene and Foxhole…
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the way some of ya’ll kept your feets on castro and jacobi’s necks was inspiring…

I couldn’t help but wonder:
Are we finally waking up to the madness that’s been parading as entertainment?
a friend recently said to me:
“Have you noticed a majority of folks on OF are crazy or severely mentally ill?”
i paused,
but honestly,
i had to agree.
many of these folks are confidently nuts or selling their souls. let’s take it a step further…
“castro speaks” per the drop from a Foxholer

I couldn’t help but wonder:
When we find ourselves in the midst of a huge scandal,
where our reputations are really on the line,
is silence truly golden?
when lightweight drama hits,
like cheating or “someone got offended by something” scandals,
one of the best things you can do is shut up and let the storm pass.
people will always create their own narratives.
when accusations get serious tho,
it’s a different game altogether.
those need to be addressed immediately before they spiral out of control.
take the recent mess with castro,
and his manz dem.
it turned into a forest fire in about 2.5 seconds.
(x you can peep the background here)
jacobi finally got castro to explain the situation and…
everything that happened with castro and jacobi

many of the Foxholers were equal disturbed about that castro scandal like i was.
something didn’t feel right and the energy was off.
his words in that clip did not sit well in my spirit.
it begged me to ask:
“What was Jacobi thinking?”
did he think that would be sexy in some way?
someone that didn’t seem in their right mind claiming they were being violated is not sexy.
you can contact the Foxhole and we can font about it.
the Foxholers sent me some updates of what ended up ultimately happening…
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as long as he doesn’t start yappin’, i love that this attentionisto is in his bi era

there are some males who thrive in a bi era or implied bi era.
many of us got attention (and some DL sex) by simply being a question mark.
we didn’t answer questions or fight to look straight.
we just let people create their own narratives and they ran with it.
as uncomfortable as it made us,
it actually is what made us more interesting tbh. i’m looking at you,
kai cenat.
james angel is one of those who is sexier as he moves further into the dark side.
i’m not into his straight side but when he leans into his the idea of being bi…

i love that jacobi and his partner are the “go to” for experimentation.
they aren’t being extra and messy,
which i appreciate.i’m still annoyed with jacobi for that wack flashman wade video tho.
james is getting OD comfortable and i’m here for it…
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