Is Justin Bieber The Next Michael Jackson?

tumblr_mwkzobpgVP1se11u6o1_500i had to sit up with this one.
so justin bieber has transitioned into something of a bad wolf.
he had an interesting interview with the hollywood reporter where he talked about:
his career,
not giving a fuck what anyone thinks,
his special celeb friends,
and making the next “thriller” album.
yes he is trying to be the next mj…
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Jill Scott Thinks ASAP Rocky and Future Are Ridiculously Fine

asapjillfutureasap rocky and future seem to have all the vixens going crazy.
could be the nice teethus,
clear smooth skin,
and the long hair.

well jilly from philly aka jill scott thinks rocky is ridiculously fine,
while future was carved from stone in this interview on hot 97
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Claudette Ortiz Opens Up For Hot 97 (Thank The Lawd)

Claudette-Ortizso everyone knows i love the beautiful claudette ortiz.
even tho she was a little boring in the reunion,
she appears to have a beautiful spirit.
this is her interview at hot 97 yesterday.
this is the person she should have brought to the show…
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Lord Jamar Says Mister Cee and The Gay Rappers Have No Place in Hip Hop

LORDJAMARthe lord has spoken?
lord jamar
from the 90s hiphop group,
brand nubian,
does not like gay people.
i don’t care what he tells me.
he spoke out about ( x kanye being “the homo of hiphop” ) already.
vlad tv interviewed him and ask about mister cee’s recent issue and well…

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Mister Cee Opens Up About His Can Of Worms For XXL

mister-ceemister cee is getting a whirlwind of promotion.
he went from background to foreground with the quickness.
after his many “street meat” incidents,
the legendary dj of hot97 sat down with xxl so they could pick his brain.
it was actually a really surprising interview
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Mister Cee Cried On The Radio Today; Admits All

040511-music-mister-cee-what_zpsbf480a5bmister cee had his day of awakening today.
he went on hot97 after ( x yesterday’s bombshell ) to speak on on what happened….
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