MEAT: (560)

tumblr_n1umz7MouJ1rnnb31o1_500well hello.
i was just about to go take a nice warm bath.
you should join me.
my tub is big enough for two.
and what a coinky dink!
so is my bed.

Um Michael Sam Has No Time For Grindr (Whats Wrong With U?)

tm1ipsylozgvzigghqqxthis entry is going to like a game of “clue”.
“it was michael sam,
in the alleged master bathroom,
with the pipe!”
i’m not going to say anything.
i’m sure you will tho.
^that pic is the hypothetical first clue.
okay so michael sam,
was caught in a selfie penis love triangle.
the “love” being that everyone kinda loved it.
well his agent,
cameron weiss,
had this to say about all the confusion (via gawker)…
Continue reading “Um Michael Sam Has No Time For Grindr (Whats Wrong With U?)”

Don’t Look At My Bunz, Hunz.

lookawayuh huh.
i see you staring.
you ain’t low.
so as you know,
wolves love them some round fat mountable bunz.
what if those bunz were attached to someone with testicles?
sounds like a typical day of any jack’d account holder.
well fousey tube decided to test that theory with a prank.
“yoga pants prank”.
Continue reading “Don’t Look At My Bunz, Hunz.”

We All Won


“WON!!! It still has not registered that I am the proud recipient of the #AcademyAward for Best Actress in A Supporting Role. What a magnificent day. Thank you again to the Academy and to all who put their time and good energy into rooting for me.” Lupita Nyoung’o, Instagram

i wanted to post some more lupita from the oscars.
just cause…
Continue reading “We All Won”

Um, G i r l

tumblr_n1vzj5SwYV1rw4zmjo1_500i am a huge neptunes fan.
i had to get that out the way.
anything they done produced or put out,
i’m sure i own it in my music collection.
so i listened to pharrell’s new album,
“g i r l”,
on the way to work today….
Continue reading “Um, G i r l”

Tales Over Grilled Chicken and French Fries

lpeople like to spill their guts to me.
its the weirdest thing.
here i was,
enjoying my grilled chicken sandwich in the work cafeteria,
when one of my coworkers spotted me.
cute black vixen.
small chest.
fat ass.
she came over and asked if she could sit with me.
Continue reading “Tales Over Grilled Chicken and French Fries”