What A Wolf Who Likes “Boi Pvssy” Likes

tumblr_n2wvj102OA1si245xo1_500shameless plug to tumblr “boi pvssy”.
so i guess “boi pvssy”,
the one we supposedly got,
is really catching on on these streets.
fly young red,
the rapper wolf who started it all,
had an interview with dj baker of “da boo dirty show” yesterday that a vix-bi hipped me to.
he went IN on everything “boi pvssy”.
take a listen.
oh this is DEF nsfw,
and “not for straight ears”

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“Ya’ll Should Date”

derrickmasonballerwolfthat is what one of the f-bi said to me today.
okay i’m just going to say it.
i HATE this…
Continue reading ““Ya’ll Should Date””

The Answer I Wasn’t Expecting

artworks-000055801220-8k7d6i-originalever since i started riding my high flying disk,
life has been a lot different than before.
i’ve mentioned some of the things that have happened since i started flying.
i ask a question and the universe provides me an answer.
no lines; no waiting.
just how i like it.
so you know that entry from yesterday?
the one where i was acting like a complete whore over this wolf?
oh you judgin’,
mr. virgin?
oh ok.

Continue reading “The Answer I Wasn’t Expecting”


Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 10.54.21 PMi feel like i haven’t updated the wolves with some nathanielnoir.
well an f-bi sent this to me and look no further…
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: RE-HEAT (411)”

P.O.W (Pretty Official Wolf)

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 8.11.16 PMyou see that?
so an f-bi sent me this model wolf and i thought he was pretty cute.
okay scratch that
Continue reading “P.O.W (Pretty Official Wolf)”

Keep The Lights Off!


tumblr_mscoiow5re1r0ym1eo1_500oh good lord…
giphy i’m so horny today.