Jamari Fox is The New Slave

tumblr_static_tumblr_static_227zystulwg08c4wg4oc8wksk_640have you ever looked at your life,
and pinpointed the exact moment things hit the wall?
it could have been that life changing accident,
or when you had to climb from the bottom up,
but it was the moment you realized:

this is my life and it sucks.
time to change the outcome.”

that is when we want to change.
the urge to fight for something better.
when you look back at your story,
that is where the “shift” started.
well i think i did that today
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f0xmail: DL, Married, 5 Cubs, and Wants My Foxhole BAD!



Hey jamari!

I’ve been to your site for about a month now and you’re like a daily breath of fresh air. Most blogs tend to follow the typical trends but yours is completely different. I’m in a bit of a situation and I feel like I could really use your advice.
I recently met this guy through a mutual friend on Facebook. He was tall, handsome with dreads down his back and I personally though even if he was gay or bi that I wouldn’t be his type. I also saw that he was with a really beautiful girl in his profile picture so I didn’t pay him any mind, until he sent me a message. We began talking and I feel like we hit it off, until the topic of his woman came up. He told me that he was dl with a WIFE AND 5 KIDS at home… That halted things pretty quickly for us yet he continuously pursues me. He said he’s a top, so I feel like what would I have to offer him that his wife couldn’t? He even went so far as to send me nudes (which were REALLY nice, btw) to try convincing me, telling me his marriage is failing and he no longer has a sex life with her, it isn’t actually cheating because it wasn’t with another girl… LOL. Now, I’ve always valued the sanctity of marriage and I would never put myself between it , but he made me feel things about him that I’ve never felt about anyone else but I can’t bring myself to violate his wife like that, yet I can’t bring myself to completely cut him off either. I really want this guy but I don’t think I could live with that on my conscience. It was nice though that he was completely honest from the beginning. It also makes me think about how many others he’s been cheating with. I now understand why so many people choose to be jumpoffs…

What should I do?


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They Don’t Like The Gays Because They Didn’t Tweet Orlando

tumblr_o8rs66xMto1spbaulo1_1280i was having an interesting discussion with one of my blogger favs,
kelsey of utstarz,
on twitter yesterday.
the topic was about the couple celebs who didn’t show support for the orlando.

chris brown

…and nicki minaj.
she actually ( x got into a huge spat with perez hilton ) about it.
i told him that i would write something yesterday,
but i started feeling a little under the weather.
a fox has been tired and run down.
forgive me foxhole.
well it’s never too late for a “jamari fox” opinion and well…
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Yusaf Mack Made You Proud (Again)

Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 6.07.11 PMokay…
you know how i posted the part one of the yusaf mack porn story earlier?
well part two,
because he has done this before.
well here is part three


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Orange Is The New Binge Watch?


i didn’t even start my orange is the new black binge yet.
for those who started,
what’s the verdict foxhole?
better than season 3?
don’t be coming up in here with spoilers neither.
you’ll be handing your foxhole key card right over.

Justin Bieber Falls In Hole

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…that’s it.
justin bieber fell in a hole while performing on stage for his “purpose” tour.
no other explanation necessary than this video
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