The Biggest Problem

tumblr_npmqshVf8Y1tkf8wdo1_1280there comes a time when everyone goes through a “worn out” period.
a lot of shit starts happening that can bring your energy down.
you start feeling like you don’t have the will to do anything.
some sex could release it.
maybe even a vacation or drugs.
those are all temporary fixes to a much bigger problem.
the problem being you.
so before i start,
i want to apologize to you…
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Fine, Bye (Mi)!

flat,800x800,075,fso mi and i had a blow up today.
it ended with us officially parting ways.
i actually exhaled because i was so grateful.
grateful because this is finally coming to an end.
you know what i been dealing with as far as she is concerned.
so she calls me today with some story
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“I Bet They On The DL and Got Vixens At Home”

hotcouplei love a picture like this.
a foxholer sent me this picture earlier today.
not because the couple is hot,
well that is one of the reasons,
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Quinten Barnard Is A Happy Packer?

Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 10.46.02 PM

quinten barnard
is that a sock or are you happy to see us?

You Straight (Until The Foxhole Proves You Gay)


so i always get asked this question:

“Why do you always say someone is straight in your entries?”

just the other day,
a foxholer asked me,
but i had so much going on that i forgot to answer.
well here is my answer
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DeRay Is Not His “Hair” (Replace Hair)

IMG_6627everyone meet deray mckesson.
he is a black activist wolf.
his resume lists him as:

american civil rights activist
member of the “black lives matter” movement

he is an active crusader for black rights and justice.
the issue is…
well you may have already guessed it.
so a vix-bi sent me this foxmail today and i couldn’t help but wonder…
Continue reading “DeRay Is Not His “Hair” (Replace Hair)”