something really stood out in “watchmen” on hbo (yahya abdul-mateen II)

last night,
i was hesitant to watch “watchmen” on hbo.
i saw the movie way back and it was trash af.
one of my fav actresses,
regina king,
was taking on the lead role for the tv series.
after a few folks i know said it was good today,
i decided to check it out tonight.
i enjoyed it,
but one thing really got my attention…

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“…and when it popped out the drawz, i gasped so dang loud!”

i gotta stop opening twitter in public.
as much as i love it,
that site will get your ass caught up.
marvin bienaime knows how to get your ass caught tf up.
i opened my twitter today and gasped so loud,
folks at my job instantly looked in my direction.

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jon moody gets some alleged pipe leakage?

*the following entry is rated xxx.
viewer discretion is strongly advised

so i’m just gonna font it.

Jon Moody has the best bawdy and ass in the social media business

( x um halp )
he is an artist,
but he’s starting to be known outside of his work due to reality tv.
he’s currently on a show called “southern charm: new orleans“.
the days of him being a mystery are pretty much over.
hate to see it.
well slapmyfatty is back to shake the table once again.
they allegedly dropped jon moody’s alleged nudes for us to indulge in.
i’ve been in need of a pick me up.
a foxholer sent me the alleged nudes of jon and well…

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is brett jackson a quality wolf for your foxhole?

brett jackson.
he has been the talk of all the foxhole.
he is the cover model for “quality man magazine“,
who shot their “body issue” with marvin bienaime.
can we font about the promo video foxhole…

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anthony cousin is a look in all angles

i lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve ^this shot.
do you see those arms?

so ever since ^that gentleman debuted on marvin bienaime’s ig,
he was a major conversation starter.
folks wanted to know who and how they could see more of him.
i know i did.
well now that marvin is more active on his new twitter,
he is letting all the good bts videos out the bag.

everyone meet anthony cousin
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will the new wolf cozy take (off) our drawz?

i thought wolf cozy is cute,
but that “sideshow bob” hair use to drive me crazy.
folks underestimate the power of a glo up.
whoever is around wolf cozy has been getting him together.
he posted this and…

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