Tag: grateful
i got the gift that keeps on giving

I got something that I didn’t realize until yesterday when I was in sudden pain.
it all started with an itch…
Continue reading “i got the gift that keeps on giving” →“When I’m With U, All I Get Is Wild Wild Wild (Thoughts)”
^that looks like a picture.
so rihanna has done it again.
you know dj khaled been begging her to appear on a track.
well she took time from being an actress,
fashion designer,
and all around winner to help out.
bryson tiller joined her also.
the song is called “wild thoughts” from khaled’s new album,
this is what they did…
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I’m Really High
when you’re on your high flying disk,
expect random things to happen out the blue.
things you didn’t anticipate to happen just happens.
like today for instance…
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WOLF MEAT: (340)
did you get down on your knees this morning?
you should be thankful god woke you up.
grateful to be brought out of yesterday safely.
it’s also going to be an amazing week a-head…
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: (340)” →
I’m Thankful I Didn’t Have To Bathe In My Own Pee This Morning!
“things could be worse”.
like a marquee going through my head.
i woke up out my sleep at 630am.
looking in my bank account just now,
i started playing scenarios in my head of “worse”.
sitting at a corner holding up a sign.
trying to keep warm with twenty cats and a cardboard box.
i even saw myself drinking a urine cocktail.
i know.
“jumping ahead, much?”…
Continue reading “I’m Thankful I Didn’t Have To Bathe In My Own Pee This Morning!” →
5 Miles Til Blessings
we’ve been talking about so much bad stuff this week,
it has left me feeling empty.
we needed a refill on something positive.
i don’t know if you guys do this already,
but i do and it has provided nothing but blessings in my life.
sure i’m not living in my brownstone
or kerry rhodes isn’t in my kitchen cooking breakfast,
but i am beyond thankful for what i do have right now.
something told me to share it with everyone this morning…
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