grandy glaze: attentionisto hits peak boredom?

I couldn’t resist.

i see a lot of folks praising OF star,

i’ve seen comments like:

“He always turns out all the sexy straights.”

…and tbh,
i’ll give him that but from what i saw with grandy glaze

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so i have thoughts on grandy glaze take down debut that jacobi paid for

This is another side to taking down the gay for pay but straight wolf.

if he has had no prior attraction or experience with other males,
regardless of the “role” you’re paying for,
you’re probably not going to get the fantasy you had in mind.

if he is plays the role of “the wolf”,
you’ll get the basic stroke resume.
if he is of “the fox”,
he’ll whine and may even paint you.
if there is no chemistry between you both,
or he is 110% straight and this is a transaction,
both roles will be uncomfortable and awkward.

Now if he is ruthless and ya’ll have great chemistry,
you are going to get turnt out or he’ll want to learn how to turn you out.

those types are the special unicorns in the forests.
porn hybrid,
might have paid a pretty penny for our resident “gay of pander” attentionosto,

grandy glaze.
many Foxholers far,
and in-between
had me on high alert.
i watched the scene and Foxhole…


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grandy glaze finally, kinda, maybe does it

i think that this is as good as it’s going to get.
ya’ll wanted to see those cheeks finally, kinda, maybe get glazed and…

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are you ready to purr for bobby lytes?

bobby lytes has come a long way.
he has dipped his paws in reality tv and sex work.
he has always been looking for a wolf in between alla that.

So why not do it on TV too?

the foxhole blew up my box with the trailer for “bobby i love you, purr“…

Continue reading “are you ready to purr for bobby lytes?”


The following is Reading-MA
Sexual Situations, Adult Content

when grandy glaze was a mystery.
this is before he realized he had big cheeks.
his life was so much better.
he was playing ball and taking the right amount of thirst trap pictures.
he was like amber rose to me.
they were so much better before they started talking.
the fame that came with onlyfans sort of ruined him tbh.
thirsty gay males hyping him up for more than he could give.
as you know,
he toed the line between “gay ass shit” and “i’m gay for pay”.
a foxholer sent me a tip that he had finally “done it”.


grandy glaze and malik joseph address the black community about its issues

so grandy glaze and his content hubby,
malik joseph,
wanted to have a serious conversation with us.
they didn’t fuck.
i don’t know whats the hold up tbh.
grandy uploaded a video on his youtube titled:

“The scary truth about being gay in the black community *a must watch”

and they had thoughts about all the hatin’ within the black community
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