i got the gift that keeps on giving

I got something that I didn’t realize until yesterday when I was in sudden pain.

it all started with an itch

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“detroit: become human” gives me life

even though i’m going through a serious depression,
i can’t act like i don’t have good ones in my life.
my friends and the foxhole.
some days are tough,
but thank you for standing you with me.
so i’ve been wanting this game for a while now.
“detroit: become human”.

i love a good story when i play a game.
even though i’m legit addicted to “dead by daylight”,
which is all about surviving from/being a killer,
“detroit: become human” is something more.
in this game,
you chose where the story will go.
you pick the direction for the characters.
whatever you choose will unlock the rest of the story.
it reminds me of “tell tales: the walking dead”.

the first two chapters of that game were so intense.
i legit cried at one of the deaths in that one.
one of my gamer friends knows i’ve been dealing with a lot.
“why come” last night i got a text from said gamer friend….

Continue reading ““detroit: become human” gives me life”

When The Foxhole Gifts Me Nice Things!

the blessings just keep coming through…
as you know,
there are a lot of foxholers reading my blog.
i’m always shocked who supports me in the shadows.
i’m always appreciative of anything i’m given as well.
i was gifted something pretty exciting…

Continue reading “When The Foxhole Gifts Me Nice Things!”

…And I Didn’t Even Have To Pull My Dick Out Either!

Megan-Fox-GIF-30ever since i been on my high flying disk (insider),
i have noticed a dramatic change in my life…
Continue reading “…And I Didn’t Even Have To Pull My Dick Out Either!”

Jamari Fox Has Some Giftbags That Will Also Keep On Giving







thank you guys for sticking in, giving the greatest comments, and just being you.
now go ahead and do one of my favorite foxy past times: shopping!

print the coupons and as usual: tell em jamari fox sent ya.

Jamari Fox Has The Gift That Keeps On Giving

since i love all you guys so much,
and we just talked about fly back to school stuff,
i cum with a gift.

i want you to print this entry page until 9/3/12 and take it to H&M.
you will get 20% off an item of your choice.

tell em jamari fox sent ya.