The Best Way To A Wolf’s Heart… Through His Friends?

The best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Whoever made that quote was pretty much on the ball.
I know that when I have cooked food for certain people,
they either could not stop moaning or got the “itis” and fell out.
But I’m here to create my own quote:

The best way to get on your Wolf’s good side is through his friend.

Yup, and here is why…

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I’m The Real Slim Shady

I have noticed something in this lifestyle of ours…

We all have gym memberships.
Well, I don’t but I’m wondering if that is a big deal in landing a Wolf?
I have noticed that Wolves and Foxes alike are starting to be built like stallions.
The more meat mass you have, the more “wanted” you are.
Just go look at The Bone Collectors with their “Sex Me On This Wall” photo ops.
If you don’t, you better have extraordinary swagg, pretty face, or a major Foxhole…
It also appears being FAT also seems to be in.
It seems to give the illusion you have a donk… when you are just a donkey.

It seems being a Fox means looking like a Wolf…

Continue reading “I’m The Real Slim Shady”

He Sexed Me While Sexing His Wifey

How Big Is Too Big?


I was up last night and came across this Wolf, browsing on my favorite LUST site.
I was stuck between confused and turned on.
Now you fellas know I love BIG meat…

…. but is this too much????????????

Continue reading “How Big Is Too Big?”

Slowly Approaching…

Who woulda thunk?

Continue reading “Slowly Approaching…”

F0x Mail: I’m In Love With 3 Wolves.

I got a wonderful email
from one of my international Foxes in London, Ty,
Foxes, he has a dilemma I am SURE we have have encountered once, twice, or three times in our Fox-hoods.

Here is Ty’s question:


Hi Jamari

My names Ty and Im from London.Im an avid reader of ur blog and I love u! You’re like my hero! And ur taste in men….FLAWLESS!!

I’ve got a question about a situation in my life and I need some advice cos I know you get it. I really can’t think of anyone else to ask.

Ok so at my university there are 3 guys I fancy.

Man #1 is about 6’2, a rugby player and has a slimish build(but not so slim). I first encountered him at the library and we had this eye contact that made me feel knots in my tummy! it was such a nice feeling and I just kept feeling his eyes on me. I dunno, maybe i was making up things. the next day I was talking to a friend of mine who happens to know him and he came up to say hello to my friend-not acknowledging me. Then I slyly asked my friend what his name is and then got to fb and twitter stalkin him, He then made his twitter account private which was weird cos i freaked out and thought he knew i was Its been almost 3 weeks now and I see him randomly but he doesnt even notice me. I was a bit sad at first cos i thought there might have been something there, judging from our first exchange, Oh well. I figure either he is straight or he’s not just that into me.

Then there is dude #2. He goes to most of my classes. He is dark skinned, about 6’1, not v good looking but has got that swag u were just speaking about-u know the one Lebron James has? Yea. Ok, so i noticed he always looks at me all dreamy and stuff in class but i never take notice cos sometimes I do think I  just might  be imagining all this attention/momentary attraction I get from guys. Anyway, he hadn’t been in uni for 2 weeks now and I bumped into him last monday when we went to submit our course work. We said hello and had a little chat, Something in his eyes was v attractive. Then Today, we had a little exchange and that was v nice.(He has this really cute scar under his eye, right at the base of his cheekbones, ah well) I had to go back to the class after the lecture cos i had left my phone in the class- I get there and he is having this semi-sexually heated convo with this italian girl in my class. I wont even lie, I was a bit disappointed but its whatever. On his way out with her though he gently touched me on my back and said bye- Wierd ey? (Again, I cant even lie, his touch felt good! Only thing is he has smallish hands which am not so sure about!) Anyway that Boy 2.

And then Boy #3!! This man is like 6’4 and is always in the library. Uber hot! U kno those ones that r really good looking but don’t really know? Yes!! Anyway, the eye contact we have everytime is a madness!! Like I feel chemistry so much there! I always roam his floor in the lib so we can glance @ each other! I also sort of think he comes downstairs with hopes of seeing me cos i swear i see his eyes open up a little wide wenever he sees me! He seems very very very shy though!! I dunno. The other day we sort of ran into each other by the lib doors and I gave him a little smile but he just nodded his head so that kinda threw me off cos i expected a bit more!! He is lovely, I just don’t know what his situation is.

OK so J, this is where i kinda need ur advice. If i could magically chose, I’d chose man #1 cos he is mad sexy and I really like him. The thing is that am not sure about him @ all!!

How would you suggest I find out if any of them are into me?

What signs should I be looking out for?

With man #3 i feel so much chemistry with him but could it just be me? Cos i swear we have a connection even tho we haven’t said two words to each other!

Are there anythings u can suggest i did more/less of? I dunno. pls let me know , J.

Look forward to hear from u.

Love ya

Ty x x


Love you too Ty.
Let’s break it down shall we….

Continue reading “F0x Mail: I’m In Love With 3 Wolves.”