mustang exposes a promoter for his alleged scammery?

i learned a long time ago that in any business,
it is best to make sure you get a contract for any services rendered.

when we get jobs,
we sign contracts for them and ourselves.
anyone can say they’ll do something but once its in writing,
you have started a paper trail.
the male of many talents,
seemed to have learned very quickly about contracts with certain promoters.
he had to call the feds on promoter,
darryl wilson

…for allegedly scamming him.
a Foxholer sent in what mustang had to font

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not lori beth denberg with a story about nickelodeon not being all that bts too!!!

as a kid,
“all that” was one of my fav shows.

i begged my mother to buy me the soundtrack because i LOVED the theme song:

i’ve been avoiding “quiet on set” on max,
a show that exposes how many of my fav childhood stars on nick,
were being violated behind the scenes.
lori beth denberg was one of my absolute favorites on the show.
when she revealed that dan schneider,
who is trying to sue for slander,

( x peep that here )
allegedly tried her too…

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it’s good carlee russell lost her wig because it woulda been snatched clean off today

you know i’m not even going to laugh but i’m going to be concerned.

The fact that many people believed this Carlee Russell story,
while gaslighting everyone who didn’t believe it,
shows me where folk’s critical thinking skills are.

folks were dead calling folks racists,
and #notprotectingblackwomen because we saw through the bullshit.
what got me hot is the whole country was looking for this fool.
black and white people were trying to find her.

sadly tho,
the press conference with the hoover pd confirmed many of our suspicions today…

Continue reading “it’s good carlee russell lost her wig because it woulda been snatched clean off today”

yardiestyle gets exposed (again)?

i didn’t realize how fine of star,
i’ll always remember his debut on xtube.
*pours out likka for xtube*

i watch his flixxx for the stroke and the big ‘maican bunz tbh.

i’m only in there for “post-nut clarity” purposes.
there have been rumblings in the forests about how he gets down tho.
yardie likes to release content without permission.

a foxholer sent me the lead to another vocal victim of yardie.
he goes by the name of thiquecam.
they got into it on twitter spaces about this same issue.
it led to alleged revelations about hiv and yardie givin’ the bunz up

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some attentionistos have made it hard to believe they get by on looks alone

as of late,
is it wrong for me to font:

I don’t believe a single thing I see on social media these days.

i feel like 98% of things posted are cap,
especially from males.
there is a real bts story that we won’t be shown.
that is “until“.
until someone gets sick of their shit and goes for exposure.

when it comes to the attentionistos,
i use to wonder how they had no jobs or careers but…

Continue reading “some attentionistos have made it hard to believe they get by on looks alone”


sometimes it’s best to shut your mouth as a celebrity.
they don’t need to interject themselves into everything,
but social media has made it this way.
people that are best left as a mystery ruin themselves by “talking”.
zoe kravitz,
who is still riding on the success of batman,
decided to post this on her ig:


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twitter got her together in about 15 minutes…