Tag: emotions

i love this picture of odell beckham jr.
heart eyes city.
we go from flash brown to odell.
it’s never a dull moment in the foxhole.
you know what i really appreciate?
The number of males in the foxhole who were there for me during my times in need.
males are taught to eat,
and fuck.
anything else is “soft” or “gay” even with some gays too.
i’ve been one that most males came to when they needed advice or a shoulder.
they weren’t strong to defend me when i needed them.
i loved this moment between odell beckham jr and deebo samuels.
odell plays for the rams and deebo plays for the 49ers.
after the 49ers lost,
deebo was crying on the bench.
this is what odell did…
swinging low off these emotions and mood swings
i’m not perfect.
if you’ve been following me on the foxhole,
you know that i go through many different emotions.
i can experience many different mood swings,
no pop smoke tho.
some can say that’s the cancer zodiac in me.
we are a very emotional tribe.
it can be my fault as well.
when i write certain personal and transparent entries,
i don’t expect a big turn out.
entries like that are for me to vent so i can get it out.
i do want to font something about the foxhole tho…
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waving to the foxhole from emotional hell (hope all is well!)
the emotionals have been on 1000.
there is pressure in my chest.
i’ve been crying off and on.
every time i sit still,
i start dwelling on things and people i know/like/maybe love(?).
i’ve had no energy to write anything tbh.
the thought of sleeping all day has been the move.
i slept off and on during election day.
wtf is happening to me?
i know…
Continue reading “waving to the foxhole from emotional hell (hope all is well!)” →
your emotions are fuckin’ up your life and you don’t even realize it
one of my favorite words to say.
i’m someone who makes some decisions or conclusions based off emotions.
i’m a raging cancer and at times,
i’m not afraid to use it.
that’s the problem tho…
What are the facts?
the pretty vixen taught me something i always bypass in my life.
i might be late af,
but i’m always down to sharing with the foxhole…
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Um, Your Emotions Are All Over The Place (Inside Out)
when we are cubs,
we usually have one main emotion that pushes us.
joy is what made us bright eyed and bushy tailed to be alive.
we see the world as one big adventure.
with the help of our parents,
we learn how to use joy to experience love.
as we grow however,
and shit happens throughout our lives,
we get introduced to the different emotions within us…
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It’s Sexy To Be A Hole Banging, Emotionally Pit less, Money Loving Volcano
i have always been an open book when it came to my emotions.
i know it’s not the “manly” thing to do,
but i’d rather others know what’s bothering me than bottling it up.
with that being said,
i often asked myself:
Are males supposed to be emotional?
it’s like we’re supposed to lie in order to be considered a “man”.
the almighty male!
the one who bangs a lot of holes and wears designer clothes!
hear us roar!
well that won’t be me.
judging from how the foxhole has been my “emotional journey” since ’09,
i guess many relate in some way or another.
thank you to those who continue not to judge me since then.
i saw a quote from viola davis the other day that represents me.
as you know,
viola is one of my favorite actresses.
this is a quick quote on what she told essence via the root…
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