Death Becomes It


well almost.
it always take something to being you back real quick…

so as i’m coming back from the barber shop,
headed to the store,
my home-vixen called me bawling.
i literally had to stop and sit on someone’s steps…
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Happiness = A lot of Money and Instagram Followers

tumblr_m9oi32OqBz1rvcjrqtoday i read the details of robin william’s suicide.
he tried to slit his wrists but since that didn’t work,
he ended up hanging himself.
i nearly cried at my desk.
along with micheal brown’s murder,
it has been a very sad week when it comes to senseless death.
today the mailroom wolves were having a discussion about robin williams.
many of them said:

“why would he kill himself?
he had money…”

say what?…
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Hey Kids! Another “D4D” Hookup Story! (Gather Round)

Z1NPCBEAT06C“d4d” meaning “death for dick”.
yes everyone,
add another “online hook app gone wrong” to the foxhole archives.
this time it involves the victim,
dino dizdarević,
and the online app of choice,
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17 Years (Never Forget)

neverforget17 years.
17 long years since he’s been gone.
this man was and still is “new yawk”.
still a legend even after his untimely passing.
ugly as ever,
he is still greatly missed in hip hop.
no one can touch him yet.
he lyrically punished the mic,
while leaving his signature “get money” bravado that always stuck with us.
shit even some of his craziest lyrics made you stop what you was doing.
“You look so good huh,
I suck on your daddy’s dick”

me and my bitch.
the interlude on “life after death” where he “shits on the bitch”>>>>>
how could anyone not know the entire verse to “juicy”?
who doesn’t get amp when he starts to flow on “can’t you see”?
how could we ever forget the notorious big?
i know i won’t.
his music and bad boy pretty much ran the soundtrack my childhood.
even though i was too young to understand,
the feeling the music gave me will always stick with me.
these have got to be my favorite biggie tracks…
Continue reading “17 Years (Never Forget)”

God, Forgive Them For Their Sins

BeHqB-HCcAEXRZqif you know me,
one of my favorite sentences in life is:

“i have a question?”

well since you all know me through this blog,
i have a question for all of you who read me daily.
have you ever asked yourself…

Am I doomed?
Can anyone honestly answer this?…

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Paul Walker Died A Horrible Death

tumblr_myvgn308kQ1rj94yfo1_500when i read the autopsy of paul walker,
and his friend roger rodas,
i literally PRAYED they only endured a few moments of that pain while being burned alive.
the daily mail released all the horrifying details and well…
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