Idris Elba Will Bang Anyone

tumblr_m69nenZACd1qbom0uo1_1280you’ll be surprised what wolf would date you.
sometimes what they say they want isn’t what they end up with.
this is how i felt when k michelle admitted today she was dating idris elba.
8 months!
i was personally trying to figure out how she got him to direct that vh-1 special.
well it was time for her to cum clean.
she spilled all the beans on the breakfast club this morning…
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I Don’t Want Your Fine Ass (Rejection)

1346156013251_9407780everyone has been rejected once,

maybe even three times.
life comes with many forms of rejection.
that job we want that they give someone less qualified.
the love we want from our parents only to be given to the “bad” sibling.
and then there is the rejection that comes with dating.
that ones seems like the worse one of them all.
many online communities dedicated to low self worth over being turned down.
its usually not just anyone.
its that “guy”.
that “wolf”.
the one that was “perfect”.
rejection does sting and you can’t deny it doesn’t.
so i had to wonder…

Why is rejection worse when its someone we actually like?
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Your Scent Is “Booty Booty Butt Cheeks” By Eau Du Toilette

tumblr_mya0umxP1L1scu9vwo1_1280we all live in our own forests.
thing is,
no one’s forest is truly the same.
when it comes to dating,
and not fuckin’,
everyone has a different scent.
it makes us who we are.
the scent of sex smells like “half naked pictures” and “suggestive texts”.
anyone can do that.
you can get anyone to fuck you if they are horny enough.
the scent of a hoe is pretty easy to smell.
when it comes to what makes someone stick around,
do you know what your scent is?
what it was?
well we need to take a trip inside.
deep inside.
so my question to you is…

What scent are you giving off?

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Tyrese Is Randomly Random

Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 11.15.00 PMin very random dating news,
tyrese debuted his new love interest today.
i already know what you are thinking…
trust me.
i’m with you.
anyway on some super duper random shit,
this is who black ty is dating now…
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I Want To Get Inside U Before U Get Deep Inside Me

tumblr_mbldq59SU21rd1um0o1_500what can you offer a man?
no seriously.
you say you want a man,
this great man,
but you don’t know anything besides what you see in porn.
what if he hit you up right now?
would you want to rip off his clothes?
or would you want to get to know whats underneath his fur?
i thought of something for the foxes at work today.
i couldn’t wait to get home and share it…
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Derrick Gordon Found Love In A Snowy Place

Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 6.54.05 PMi almost forgot about pre baller wolf,
derrick gordon.

he came out right after michael sam last year.
well derrick caused quite a stir when he was allegedly dating  ( x this one ).
now he has found a new situation with…
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