the booty guru wants you to look back at it (and wants to help you get it)

i asked myself how i would act if i had a set of cheeks like this.

I’d be scared

first of all,
how am i even gonna find jeans that fit?
walking down the block would be a chore.
i hate attention as is and that would be too much.
everyone would probably assume that i was a vixen.
i wouldn’t be with it…
until the day someone like this pulls over to get my number:

they just trying to smash (and i’d let them tbh).
as much fun as the fantasy is,
it could actually keep your ass in the crib.
some jackals go crazy over a fat ass.
they lose all common sense and come out of character.
it will have you wearing a dashiki to stop all the attention.
well everyone meet yadi aka the booty guru.
would you want a tail like this?…
Continue reading “the booty guru wants you to look back at it (and wants to help you get it)”

ca$h out allegedly has the meats that makes my booty starts to cry

7-8 inches of meats is good enough for me.
i like a pipe that won’t come up through my mouth,
but at the same time,
i can still have the mario coins knocked out this booty.
once we start going bigger than that,
i will run away screaming bloody murder.
rapping wolf,
ca$h out,
has been the chat these last few years.

as you know,
he has ( x the meats ).
a vixen who started an onlyfans allegedly has ca$h out as her secret co-star.
her name is “prettygirlsandlongstroke” from atlanta.
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demetrius jenkins is good at rockin’ your mic

has this one had sex on his onlyfans yet?
foxhole fav,
demetrius jenkins,
is one of my karaoke kings.
he can lip sync to a song,
lemme tell ya.


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Haha good morning!! ????

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he looks like he is an animal in bed.
well it seems like demetrius might be launching a new career pretty soon.
we might be stanning a rapping icon pretty soon…
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when trevor a. taylor barks, we listen (being shirtless helped too)

a foxholer sent me a picture of a random good lookin wolf today,
but he felt tremendous amounts of shame.

“Here I am lusting even through these times of injustice.”

you are human babe.
humans get horny even in times of despair.
i feel like those are the times our horniness is it’s most vulnerable.
so the forests have been talking about trevor a. taylor who is pictured above.
he went viral in this recent video during a protest in texas yesterday,
but now he’s about to be the next “it” wolf once i font about him…
Continue reading “when trevor a. taylor barks, we listen (being shirtless helped too)”

shaun t is still dancing better us and some of our favs

oh hi biceps.
i was never into shaun t all like that,
but he has gotten really attractive as he ages.
i think most folks need to age gracefully instead of trying to look young.
so shaun t is fully invested into the tik tok dance crazes.
it’s very “on brand” for him anyway.
this is what he was trending for…
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you can have king nate for a price i think most can afford

i love a tall and lean wolf.
you know the types.
the ones that as soon as they walk in the room,
they tower over all the lessers.
they can pick my little ass up and have their way with me.
king nate strikes me as that type.
he commands attention ig,
standing tall at 6’6.
this helps as well:

oh Jesus.
of course,
king nate has an onlyfans in today’s climate,
but his is different from the rest.
Continue reading “you can have king nate for a price i think most can afford”