Tag: corporate
my Foxhole survival tips for the corporate trenches of hell and high water

Have you ever wondered why we all feel this pressure to overachieve at work,
even when we know it’s a trap?
this morning,
pose hit me with a question that stopped me in my tracks:
“Have you learned any other lessons from working in corporate?”
the truth is…
this didn’t help anyone’s anxiety in new yawk…
there i was,
engaged in the second season of ozark,
while under my covers when i heard about the mass shooting on the mta.
it’s like i’m at a point where i’m not shocked anymore.
Very dramatic video from the incident as the subway arrived at 36th St Sunset Park in Brooklyn. #brooklyn #shooting #nyc pic.twitter.com/5cOdeYPIb1
— Kristoffer Kumm (@Kristofferkumm) April 12, 2022
the world has gone mad off some kind of energetic liquid courage.
i have been getting my resume to get a cute part-time gig,
but this incident was confirmed for me yesterday…
i’m always asked about tips for working in corporate environments.
i’ve been in the corporate field in many different areas.
except for 1,
i was a long-term temp for 3.
these are a few tips for being a temp and other things.
so let’s gooooooo…
being black in corporate is a scam (pass it on)
if this panny has taught me anything,
i’ve learned that i can’t do corporate anymore.
i iz tied massa.
i’ve been in corporate for close to 10 years and my cup runneth empty.
ya’ll cups runneth empty to the way everyone is protesting going back into an office again.
i felt what my sista,
jasmine gardens,
was talmbout when she posted this video on her ig:
why would you want to go back to jobs where folks are going to cry in the bathroom?
Why is it okay to be pushed to the point that you’re crying at work??!?!
i couldn’t believe that behavior was coming from bosses i thought were cool too.
everyone thinks white corporate is a shit show,
but i’ve learned black corporate is just as worst tbh.
it doesn’t get any better on that side of town either.
this doesn’t apply to all jobs,
but this is my experience…
Continue reading “being black in corporate is a scam (pass it on)” →
when are we gonna talk about how some black folks can be monsters?
a couple years ago,
there was an article that was written about a powerful white hyena who was moonlighting as a movie mogul.
it spoke about how he would use his power to make actresses do unspeakable things for roles in his movies.
even though one black actress spoke out,
it was the majority of a-list white actresses that helped make his disgusting behavior go viral.
that once powerful hyena was brought down to the pits of hell and the #metoo movement was born.
the end result is he’s powerless,
sitting in a wheelchair at rikers,
while sexual harassment was highlighted in the entertainment industry and corporate.
it’s no secret that black people have a lot to endure a lot within those spaces.
when we finally make it to a company that is “for us; by us”,
you often feel like a refugee coming into a new world.
the first few days or weeks can be absolutely amazing,
but it’s a whole different story once the honeymoon phase is over.
i was engrossed in an article i was reading yesterday by “black female anonymous” on “medium”.
it was a bombshell about what black vixens allegedly go through working at essence magazine…
Continue reading “when are we gonna talk about how some black folks can be monsters?” →
those of us in corporate are no different from the escorts
i don’t take too kindly to folks looking down on me or others.
fuck around and i’ll bypass you like the tortoise did the hare.
folks who never worked a day in their life,
or maybe a few jobs here and there,
like to look down on those working a 9-5s.
i hear a lot of the attentionistos/escorts like to do that.
i think we all in the same boat.
i’m here to font you why…
Continue reading “those of us in corporate are no different from the escorts” →
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