destroyed ain’t dead.

you are a castle.
you can be a country.
you just went through a devastating war.
you ended up losing that war and got destroyed.
what do you do next?…
Continue reading “destroyed ain’t dead.”

Lower It Down and Come Inside Where It’s Warm

tumblr_menjx6rqIe1qb0bzxo1_500you can’t expect to go any further with that drawbridge up.
i can see that “closed off” body language from here.
it has made your face look so mean.
you are not open.
what happened?
who hurt you?
oh its been a couple people?
well listen i been there…
Continue reading “Lower It Down and Come Inside Where It’s Warm”


do you see the fireworks amongst my castle i had built!
an extension for the foxhole!

…and now a special something for the wolves and hybrids!
100 posts of pure butt cheeks!
so in your honor,
i have 2 special ready made cakes just for you….
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT (100)”