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rotimi has an interesting face.
i said when i first saw him in “power”.
i said it again when i watched “burning sands” last weekend.
well he got some alleged pipe leakage today.
a vix-bi alerted me to all the action this morning.
this is what he has to allegedly show the foxhole for review…
i like when the pipe leakage comes in “buffet“.
if that is him,
it looks good.
really good.
the vixens are confused he is allegedly playing with his nut.
don’t all jack offers do that?
i have this heavy feeling he is the type to fuck you stupid tho.
he also looks like the type to allegedly cheat on you shortly after.
he has that look of “pineapple”.
allegedly fonting,
of course.
i’ll allow him.
He definitely has sex appeal.
Take a look at the shadow in the first pic. That doesn’t resemble the outline of his head/face…but what do I know?
Fameolous stay getting dick pics with no real proof who it belongs to.
Nice penis
I like him. He’s talented, I’ll give him that. I remember watching him on Power and later finding out he raps/sings. I was like oh brother here we go again, another actor that wants to be a rapper/singer…but I was pleasantly surprised. He has talent. YaBoiGHill and DeSean Jackson might wanna take notes! Lol
he’s got several nude scenes in the cancelled tv series boss, if anyone wants to check him out from behind as well.
He looks like that flounder from the Little Mermaid…
Nice looking piece I would rather see it in action tho
Pre “Power” he was In the series “Boss” he did several shots from the back. NICE!!!!!!!!
I used to watch that show. Didn’t he play the drug-dealing boyfriend of the mayor’s daughter? Too bad that show was cancelled. It highlighted a lot of the corruption in big city (mainly Chicago) politics.
So, some other blog has his pics before and tried to say his dick was huge. I think they were charging for them. Well, he doesn’t meet what my big dick metrics. lol. But he is nice. Above and beyond everything, I would prefer a nice average to above average dicky. He has a nice average size.
I like him, he seems pretty cool. I do get a vibe off of him tho. I’ll stop there.
Me too…..
^id be willing to be a test subject if the vibe is right…
Let me make certain for you first…then you can have him lol
His body was on point in broken sands
He does have a “interesting” face
Ahh……… ok. Lol