Released Onto Me (I Got On My Knees After)

i was spending most of my days researching and asking questions.
it was concerning to me.


i went to websites with various answers to my question.
most where positive.
others were downright scary.
i didn’t do anything wrong,
but hyenas and jackals can make it look so.
i let most of my crazy out with friends and foxholers.
they all tried to keep me reassured,
but the other side was:

“What if it doesn’t happen?”

after speaking to that older vixen at unemployment,
she left my fate with a question mark.
don’t do that.
don’t have me out here slowly going crazier than i am.
that she was.
everything was enhanced at that point.
i started seeing how i had little to no money and was on survival mode.
one of the foxholers donated money to me for groceries,
but other than that,
i was about to be on tap.
i woke up to blessings




























i got a message on my phone that two direct deposits were released to me.
it was the unemployment.
i instantly cried and prayed to God.

i’m grateful because i can go do laundry,
pay off all these overdue bills,
and get a haircut.

i’m on wolfin’ mode right now

i thought a lot about my future these last couple weeks tho.
where i am now vs where i want to be.
the pretty vixen said she would be an investor in my future book.
i sent her some of ( x this story ) and she was blown away.
for this time being on unemployment,
i want it to be different.

i’m open to suggestions.

16 thoughts on “Released Onto Me (I Got On My Knees After)

  1. If she denies you benefits just appeal it and they could either closed the case so you can reapply or have a judge look at it. You have to be real careful how you answer their questions they won’t give you unemployment for something simple as saying you don’t have a reliable way to work I guess in their eyes they say if u can’t go to work u can’t look for work either it sounded like you were let go in a professional way there no reason you should not get your money so keep calling in sometime they forget it was times I was waiting and had to call back and the person didn’t even save my info

  2. I’m glad things are looking up for you. Use this time to invest in yourself, whether that’s financially, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. Things will get better.

  3. Well I know back when I was on unemployment, even when I was fired and they challenged it, if I challenged you were know to get it anyway. The good old days when unemployment could last with extension up to two years.

  4. Two words: Graphic Novel (series). Be the inheritor of the legacy of E. Lynn Harris. With the advent of YouTube and other platforms, you have the power, technology and TALENT to own and produce your own content. Take a lesson from the music industry, and OWN your Masters (intellectual property). Build a following and income stream to the point that “they” will need you, not you them – cause you don’t. Take a side job to pay the bills, but hone your gifts and pursue your passion.

    I remember something Maya Angelou recalled from a conversation with a young man. He told her he wanted to be a writer, and asked what he should do…She said something to the effect of “No one can make you a writer. If you’re a writer – write.” Walk the path and BLAZE THE TRAIL!

    1. Love this idea with Jamari’s
      way with words and the drawings of a up and comer the ideas are endless.

  5. So happy it came for you , God always does. Now you can really start making the moves you want to with a little protection in your pockets.

  6. Told you that company you use to work for was on bullshit. Had a company fire me years ago then said I quit then said I never worked there! Unemployment was done with them and cut me my check. Still you should contact the company you use to work for to make sure they are not giving lies to any potential employers. Get something in writing. It’s a little protection. Glad you got some breathing you now though man.

  7. Just be cautious because when I was receiving unemployment It was funded 6 months by the state then after that you have apply for an extension, which is funded through federal. However, federal no longer funds unemployment. That’s the “Catch 22” or at least in Ohio it is. Luckily for me, I found a job right after I filed.

  8. I finally have some downtime. I been meaning to email you so I’m going to. Glad for you darlin!

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