you’d think ja rule would get more love than that

i gotta font real quick…

Ja Rule has a beautiful jail bawdy

he hasn’t aged since ’99 either.
he has fallen off pretty hard like everyone else at “murder inc”.
ashanti might not be included.
he might have learned that at a recent bucks game for “90s” night
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r. kelly is getting familiar with his new digs, is all

how the disgusting have fallen.
r. kelly has finally been taken down.
with someone of his celebrity,
you’d think he had money to save him on a hurricane.
kellz can’t even post his own bail according to “cnn”

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kevin hart will be waving a rainbow flag at the oscars (well, sorta…)

do some of of ya’ll loathe kevin hart.
one could say he deserved it.
his reputation has been less than stellar due to his scandals.
well for oscar weekend,
this popped up right at the oscar’s door…
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jussie smollett was set up

i asked the foxhole in my ig stories yesterday:

Would you forgive Jussie Smollett?

i got many answers saying they would.
as for me,
the jury is still out.
as you know from the latest developments,
it doesn’t look too good for jussie at the moment.
the conspiracy theorists,
even on the foxhole,
are flying with various ways to prove he’s innocent.
i have been thinking about the whole story since last night.
i’ve been on some light sniffing around to answer my own questions.
let me take you into where my mind is with this situation…

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is this what gets r. kelly on outta here?

chicago is not having the best week ever.
it is?
one of it’s alleged monsters might be getting put down.
r. kelly,
who shoulda been outta here a while ago,
got some massive charges against him today…
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so jussie smollett tried to stop milan christopher’s bag?

so milan christopher refuses to take his paws off jussie smollett’s neck.
he feels he is getting his alleged retribution.
according to milan,
jussie tried to stop his bag.
these are receipts milan posted via “gayemagazine“…

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