PAUSE: Holy Homothugs Batman!

……… are half these rappers not the biggest homos?

Continue reading “PAUSE: Holy Homothugs Batman!”

Model Mayhem

So I went with my boss to an event my job was holding,
tired as all get out,
and I was happily surprised that it was for a male model casting…

You know I perked up when I saw all the various flavored meat.

Continue reading “Model Mayhem”

1 Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Tree

Well Mister J is a nut job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Details as they develop…


Industry events are always fun.

You go and hob knob with people in the know…

Video Girls and Hoes,
Real Models
Aspiring  or Established Actors
Potential fuck buddies with connections…

… or if you are a wall flower,
sit down, shut up, and have your face in your Foxberry with the concieted grin.

The entertainment/sports industry can be a very lonely place and without the proper connections,
you can be virually labelled a “no one” very fast.
That is why it is key to be at every event,
making yourself known to the world, “This is me… Now.”

When you finally do get your foot in the door,
you have finally arrived,
but there is more work that goes into solifying your face and status amongst the rich, famous, and soon to be replaced.

Be ready, my movin makin’ Foxes.
It is game time.

Continue reading “Industry.”

Baller Woes and Low Blows: Braylon St. Nik?

Continue reading “Baller Woes and Low Blows: Braylon St. Nik?”



‘Inception’ actor Tom Hardy says he had a number of gay flings before settling down with fiance Charlotte Riley.

He may be engaged to a woman now, but “Inception” heartthrob Tom Hardy says he had a number of gay flings in the past.

When asked by NOW magazine if he had ever had sexual relations with other men, the 32-year-old actor — who is engaged to British actress Charlotte Riley and has a 2-year-old son with a former girlfriend – replied, “As a boy? Of course I have. I’m an actor, for f—‘s sake.”

“I’ve played with everything and everyone,” Hardy added. “I love the form and the physicality.”

However, Hardy says his bisexual days are over.

“Now that I’m in my 30s, it doesn’t do it for me,” he said. “I’m done experimenting.”

But that hasn’t prevented Hardy from continuing to attract the attention of gay men.

“A lot of gay men get my thing for shoes,” he said. “I have definite feminine qualities, and a lot of gay men are incredibly masculine.”

Although Hardy said “a lot of people say I seem masculine,” he admitted, “I don’t feel it. I feel intrinsically feminine.”

“I’d love to be one of the boys, but I always felt a bit on the outside,” he added. “Maybe my masculine qualities come from overcompensating because I’m not one of the boys.”


And he was the one in the movie that I thought was sexy!!!
Who cannot relate with this?

Later Foxes