Bottoms Down


here’s the thing….

Continue reading “Bottoms Down”

Refresher Course.

Since I found myself lusting over a pretty boy thug bottom
as my Foxes awoke me too,
a few posts down…

Continue reading “Refresher Course.”

So, here’s the thing with “him”…

So Mister J and I have been doing a lot more communicating than usual. He hits me up to just shoot the text or go off on issues that bother him.

…And there is always something bothering him!

I won’t lie, I throw a lot of flirting his way even though he is “straight”. Nothing outrageous because that is not my style. I am pretty subtle but I still hint about my sexuality here and there. He picks up on it and eats it up.

So, one night last week, we were talking about screen names he wanted to try and he started throwing random stuff he wanted to use.

“How bout PipeRight?”, he texted.
“Then people will want to know how right is the pipe.”, I replied.

And that went on… And on…

Until I felt bold and asked:


…and that was all it took we ended up having a serious game of sexting, acting out the various screen names in this erotic sequence.

Yup. You saw the words: Sexting, erotic, and sequence.

All formulas for “nut making”.

I guess that was his way of revealing himself to me. I don’t mind because I got mine and I’m sure he got his. Next day, he was doing a lot more flirting and talking shit as usual. He seemed to open up to me more. Saying things through his words that let me know…

“I know.”

We’ll he should because I never talk to my straight friends like THAT; the way we did the night before.

He confuses me… But I’m keeping a healthy distance. Let him chase me.

It is the Fox way.

Brought To U By The Foxberry.

Remember Him?

I remember those arms quite well….

Continue reading “Remember Him?”

A Dog and a Fox.


Why has he been making me so horny lately?


I think I have an illegal lust crush on Bow Wow.
I do not know know how it started or where it came from,
but I have found myself lusting after this short little man….

and quite frankly, I’m scared.

He isn’t the ballers I’m use too.
He is a rap-tor.

No muscles or nothing extravagant.
Just nice eyes and nice pink lips.

But today,
we had a moment.

Continue reading “A Dog and a Fox.”

The Real Fox Hunt

I realized something.

Not only am I looking for a Wolf, I am also going to looking for some new Foxes to be friends with. I love my current Foxes I am cool with, but a ton of them live in other states. The ones I would actually go Wolf Huntin’ with or simple go to parties in the know. Like Star Fox and Fire Fox – two of my best friends who live far away from me.

I had to re-evaluate the circle around me and a lot of my old Foxes turned out to be masculine queens. All they wanted to do was gossip about me and be insecure in the process. I couldn’t handle it anymore so I had to give them the boot.

*kick to the curb*

You always need a good group of friends around you. Ones who will keep you sane, tell you where all the good spots are, and others who just simply like being around you.

I am pretty much open to any Fox that wants to run with me. I just request 2 things I am sure are not too much. 1st and foremost, he needs to not be MESSY. To be an exclusive Fox, you cannot be a hot box. People in the street cannot know your drama as you walk down the street. Birds of a feather flock together.

Second and lastly, I must be able to trust you. One thing I cannot STAND is a liar. If you can lie to me about trivial shit, when something big happens, you will cover your tracks with that too. I drop liars pretty much within the first sign of trouble.

A good life is filled with great friends. You want to share every moment with them building memories that could fill museums.

So, the hunt is on.


Brought to U by The Foxberry