Bonus Sanders Mix

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My Baby is Born!

I am now officially


coming to a:

Locker Room
Smart Phone
or your boyfriend’s private thoughts…

… near you.

Meeting Shawn Sutton

I met him at a Fashion Week event
and Foxes,
he is just as FINE in person…

Maybe even finer.

Continue reading “Meeting Shawn Sutton”

The Fool and The Liar

Update on Cam and Ex Model

(I swear her crazy ass gets points for those wtf faces)

Continue reading “The Fool and The Liar”

Meat Of The Minute: Emmanuel Sanders

If I was EVER to cheat on Devin Thomas,
it would be with him.

Continue reading “Meat Of The Minute: Emmanuel Sanders”

Wolf Round Table.

I just….

I just don’t think you’re getting it….

Continue reading “Wolf Round Table.”