white, black, and some of us are grey all over

i believe there are3 types of folks in the forests.


white being they are relatively good people.
they follow the rules and others have good things to say about them.
fighting and drama is just not on their “to-do” list.
they legit mind their business and don’t bother anyone.
i feel like those types are few and far between.

black are the jackals and hyenas.
these people lie,
and kill proudly like it’s second nature to them.
their trauma wasn’t healed and their behavior was left unchecked.
they thrive on burning bridges and destroying everyone in their paths.
it’s easier to be black because it takes no effort to do wrong.

the rest of us reside in the grey area

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when the straight males argue who’d be a power top if they were gay

some straight males love gay roles without being gay.
what a time to be alive?
i feel like every straight male who imagines being gay

… is always saying they’d be power wolves (tops)


even the straight males get into the fox shaming too.
it’s a “badge of honor” to be a top and we don’t even have much of em.

this is where i welcome more straight males to volunteer for top activities.

i know a few straights irl that i’d like to power top my foxy ass.
on caresha aka yung miami from city girl’s podcast,
she was lowkey flirting with megan the stallion.

i admire how vixens can do this without judgment.
on the breakfast club,
 charla and dj envy argued about who would top each other…

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Protected: the music video that has the wolf with the big spice in his drawz (get the tape measure)

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so tavis dunbar motive for running them over is “hi, i’m insane”?

^this is legit the face of evil.
his eyes are completely dead in that mugshot.
( x this situation ) taught me that hyenas don’t always need a reason.
tavis dunbar didn’t need a reason for his thirst for murder in chicago.
he allegedly had no reason to run over 4 males outside a gay bar.
it sounds like he did it to do it.
a foxholer sent me more info from the dailymail…

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ya’ll wanna be pokemon trainers catching all these diseases and pandemics

“One thing the Powers That Be could count on is promiscuity and humanities inability to temper their sexual behavior.” Khalil31

the powers that b know that many of us are idiots.
they know what traps to set and how some of us fall in each time.
why lift a finger when they know how people will react and respond?
you tell us one thing and we will fight to do the opposite.
we will whine and complain about our rights to protect our safety.
some are arguing the recent stats about monkeypox are homophobic.
it’s really ridiculous and all could be prevented.
imagine catching the trifecta of pokmemon
and you can take that how you will…

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ya’ll are mad at the monster we created called lamonte stennis?

why are ya’ll mad at lamonte stennis?
he still ain’t
hurt your feelings hard enough yet?

he has the best bawdy and thighs in the game so ya’ll ignore his violence.
so i was sent this and i was like…

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