their bad is bigger than my bad so… my bad?

when we are going through it,
everyone else looks shiny and new.
you’re home; they’re out
you’re broke, they’re buying versace
you’re single; they’re riding the d train to countless orgasms
usually when this is happening,
we are in an emotional desert and our minds are playing tricks on us.
every single time that i look at others and feel sudden insecurities,
like i’m missing out or my life really sucks compared to,
they end up telling me how

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black mirror predicted this ai sh*t but we weren’t listening (we hearing now tho)

black mirror was onto something.
that show continues to be ahead of its time.
one day,
there will be no use for humans anymore.
like in those futuristic movies,
it will a wasteland where everything is run by machines.
you’d think humans would realize the terror in that but nope

We like to run toward danger and be confused when it bites back.

some of our favs have been singing other people’s songs.

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is andrew gillum always showing us who he really is?

a foxholer sent me an email:

“This dude never learns.”

after everything andrew gillum has been through,
you’d think he’d walk the straight (no pun intended) and narrow to a comeback.
it seems like he might be exactly where he needed to be.
according to this report,
he is on trial in federal court because allegedly…

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karma was hunting kevin hunter, aunt wendy ex-husband, and might have finally got him

any good mistress knows you never get pregnant by your john.
every good mistress and mister knows that when the appeal (money) ends,
you can bounce with your dignity (a secret savings account) intact.

We don’t get into entanglements for love.
We get into entanglements for pleasure and purpose.
You don’t ever taunt the spouse or partner.
Your purpose is to get pleasure and financial gain.

i’ve watched many who choose to be on the wrong side of history fall.
i knew kevin hunter and his mistress,
would fall eventually.
their whole foundation was built on shaky ground.
when i first heard this news via yahoo

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are we really giving ice spice a crown for just showing up?

i feel sorry for all the female rappers,
those still in the game and not,
who’ve had/have to work their asses off to get their crowns.
the ones who had to dodge rape and sexual assault by jackals bts.
the ones that were victims and haven’t yet told their stories.
when in 2023,
you can have one hit song and be crowned “the people’s princess“…

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the foxhole has told us everything about the attentionistos, gym bros, and muscle males

so you know we been in the foxhole for a minute.
every day,
i learn so much from you guys.
besides therapy,
my life has improved greatly because of my community.
i don’t have many male gay friends in real life but within the foxhole:


i saw ^that tweet above and you know we like a gym wolf or 10.

i put this on my stories but i’m gonna post some facts i’ve learned in detail.
this may not apply to all attentionistos but it applies to many.

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