ya’ll play too much in the ig foxhole dms!
out of controlllllllll.
i like to think of milan christopher as the little engine that couldn’t stop.
he keeps going,
and going,
and going,
and going for those fifteen minutes.
sex tapes and horrible music be damned!
well a ig foxholer sent me the following and i gotta ask…
…is that real?
that cannot be real,
can it?
he cannot sit here and say that is a man made tail.
that looks like something cooked up in a laboratory.
i guess i give it points for matching his thighs?
i juts don’t understand…
judging from the “part one”,
it must be one of his acting projects.
i’m almost frightened for what the “part 2” promo will be about.
Can somebody PLEASE MAKE him go away!
That other guy JAYQUAN( I think that’s how you spell his name, has a nice ass too. He was on About and Kingdom Heights and got a cute booty…lol
These comments!!

Nasty…just like that greasy-ass pizza box.
He does nothing for me honestly. He just makes me cringe & tries WAY too hard. I think he’s trying to be a male Kim Kardashian & it’s not working. He even admitted that he wants to be naked and be celebrated for it.
However Milan, we live in a world where WOMEN make millions off their appearance because beauty is a very lucrative business when it comes to women worldwide. However men don’t usually become millionaires or worldwide superstars simply based off their appearance alone. Especially a gay man at that. He needs substance and clearly he doesn’t possess that. He has nothing to offer apart from pure narcissism and vulgarity. Bye Sir.
He’s been getting butt shots since 2007 but that is hardcore photoshop.
He look like a male Venus Hottentot (google her)
I don’t wanna be that guy, but that is NOT the same butt we saw in the episode of About Him South Africa recently.
Like, it’s nice n all. but this is definitely Photoshop trickery or work done.
Also not the same cakes we saw in that whack ass sex tape… but, I digress
That’s false!!
*Yawns*…. and in other news. I’m so over this stunt queen that this doesn’t even move me.
OMG I was just thinking the same thing. I like him but is that all who he is ?? His body? I mean its nice and all but ummm how much further is that going to take him in his career? Again not judging but I am looking down the road , I just hope he don’t wake up one morning when he is my age and think like dayum my ass is not as perky as it used to be.. lol just saying.