MEAT (66)

His shirt says DELICIOUS.
Funny, I already nick named him that.

49 thoughts on “MEAT (66)

  1. JAY :I guess so. lol
    Plus, the jordans provide great traction to avoid rug burn…so I’ve heard. lmao

    Put him in slippers or bare feet instead of Jordans & I’m good lol

      1. They complete YOUR fantasy. In mine there are no shoes…and I have em in boxer briefs – the better to admire the cakes 🙂

  2. UrSoVain :

    JAY :
    “She” as you refer to him would be cooking me eggs in his boxer briefs and jordans while I watch cartoons.

    Lmao! This is a very consistent fantasy amongst wolves I’m noticing.

    Yes! Use it t your advantage.
    I think the whole fantasy represents contentment more than something sexual. What could be more fulfilling than watching a Family Guy/Boondocks marathon and being able to look into the kitchen and watch a good looking dude with cakes cook you breakfast?

    Now I’m feeling kind of “bleh”…lol

  3. JAY :
    Well I guess you categorize them as butch queens who aren’t into men, because it is possible to be a pretty boy AND straight

    Well not really. He’d just be “straight.” Maybe he’s really pretty or has a cute dress code but he’s still “straight.” Butch queens are clock-able homosexual men who fall in between cunt and trade to me. “Pretty boy” sort of lends itself to being more attractive or fashionable but he’s still a batch queen.

  4. #whoisjamarifox :
    ^I AGREE!!!
    I always say so many Wolves must be hunting us in real life when they say us,
    they won’t approach.
    And if we approach them,
    unless it is blatant staring…. we may be fresh out of luck.
    Some even turn you down in public so I keep wondering what was the point of eye fucking me to death?

    I think its a game but games are fun. Perhaps its for the ego stroke? Or maybe you’re doing the eye-fucking and hes like “wtf is he looking at??”

    1. I never said he was a wolf. I just said I am physically attracted to him.

      “She” as you refer to him would be cooking me eggs in his boxer briefs and jordans while I watch cartoons.

      Like I said I’ll take them a tad bit clockable. lol

      1. JAY :
        “She” as you refer to him would be cooking me eggs in his boxer briefs and jordans while I watch cartoons.

        Lmao! This is a very consistent fantasy amongst wolves I’m noticing.

  5. That dude you posted could just be labeled a pretty boy though Vain, unless he has a really high voice and twerks in public places.

      1. Well I guess you categorize them as butch queens who aren’t into men, because it is possible to be a pretty boy AND straight

  6. UrSoVain :
    Okay, no eyebrow threading. I’ll keep that in mind. Her eyebrows looks really good btw.
    And he’s not a butch queen. Butch queens can be clocked in real life and he doesn’t give me that at all. He’s just really attractive. But queens tend to look like this:
    Where you can look at them and tell. I don’t what you’re seeing? lol

    He’s more attractive to me. He could get it.
    There’s still something off about dude.
    He’s projecting something different from what he is.
    I know I’m not the only one who can sense it.
    We’re all being distracted by his body.

  7. JAY :
    Nope. Wouldn’t touch him.
    I’d treat him like Jamari treated Eric Sermon. lol

    Lol lies!

    And Michael is NOT a butch queen lol. Far from it based on the pictures.

    1. No seriously. I’m only attracted to guys who possess no less 60/40 masculine to feminine qualities in appearance.

      Eyebrows make or break my attraction to you. If your eyebrows remind me of my Aunties, I can’t take you seriously. lol

      You can get your eyebrows done, it just can’t look like you have your eyebrows done.

      He’s a butch queen Vain. I can feel it. He’s just giving you what you want in those pics.

      1. Okay, no eyebrow threading. I’ll keep that in mind. Her eyebrows looks really good btw.

        And he’s not a butch queen. Butch queens can be clocked in real life and he doesn’t give me that at all. He’s just really attractive. But queens tend to look like this:

        Where you can look at them and tell. I don’t what you’re seeing? lol

  8. #whoisjamarifox :
    ^He looks like he would be a Wolf Slayer (he looks short and probably has Napeloen-ism),
    would look for Muscle Foxes to pump iron with and dominate in the sheets,
    or be into trannies,

    I noticed we do that sort of thing. We see men like this and assume they like boys who are completely outside of ourselves. I do the same thing. Like he’s fine… he must be into muscle jocks or cunts or trannies.

      1. I think we are projecting this very much “hes not into guys like me” onto them before they get a chance to prove us wrong or right. But I mean, if he’s not approaching or isn’t make blatant eye contact, how can we really know?

        I find a lot of the reason why we assume men like that aren’t into us is because they don’t often express it. They tend to keep it to themselves. So when we see the ones, who are perhaps in the minority, who are into the types who are outside of ourselves… we tend to lump them all together.

        1. ^I AGREE!!!

          I always say so many Wolves must be hunting us in real life when they say us,
          they won’t approach.
          And if we approach them,
          unless it is blatant staring…. we may be fresh out of luck.

          Some even turn you down in public so I keep wondering what was the point of eye fucking me to death?

      1. I know what it is!
        He’s a butch queen!
        He may very well be a top, but he can out vogue any bottom.
        I’d put money on it!

  9. Aww, i love you too. This is what i do lol. We think so much alike it’s scary. Think he’s straight? If not, what type of boys do you think he’d be into?

    (S/n: I blogged about that whole straight guy thing we emailed about a few weeks ago. Check it out about it if you havent read it already)

    1. ^He looks like he would be a Wolf Slayer (he looks short and probably has Napeloen-ism),
      would look for Muscle Foxes to pump iron with and dominate in the sheets,
      or be into trannies,

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