i would love marvin bienaime’s job at his agency.
i have sexy wolves send in selfies to shoot their shot…
i mean,
i shoot them for a good shot.
that’s it.
so marvin bienaime just shot ^that wolf,
jonathan henderson,
who won his “best selfie challenge” this week…
hello jonathan…
how are you?
so after he gets to marvin,
jonathan has something to say…
he has nice voice,
but he seems uncomfortable.
almost unsure of himself.
i got that even more when marvin went to feed him:
why is your pose the same in the still shot of the video?
no offense to jonathan,
but he is a little boring.
he needs to study marvin’s last client,
“justus pickett”.
the replacement for donny savage.
he is charismatic and looks comfortable in front of the camera.
i don’t know if jonathan is trying to be model,
but he needs to work on his on camera skills.
let’s see the photo shoot pictures for review marvin.
lowkey: is marvin paying for these wolves to see him?
Well he certainly has a nice twerk routine he created.
Did he have a web cam show or something? If so what is it under?
Do he have a webcam show? Where is it?
I hope Marvin is fucking at least ONE of these wolves. All that work for NOTHING???? I don’t think so LOL DWL
I’m sure with time he’ll get better, his smile is warming
Great model’s and continued success !!
Well Justus booked a small part on Star, the Fox show, a couple of weeks after doing a shoot with Marvin.They contacted him after seeing the pics.Several of his models have booked tv shows, commercials, one will be in a Tupac and Biggie tv bio.Essence magazine is always featuring them so he seems to be an option for black male models who are often overlooked by mainstream modeling agencies.
Is this how he meets his “dates”
What’s the goals for the models? “Offers”
Check out the guy,Aaron Campbell, he just posted on IG before and after pics. This guy drove from Kentucky.I believe Justus drove from North Carolina so I think they are funding their own trips.At least the initial trip.