Jamari-ism (1)

If you want something or someone,
ask for it and then let it go.
I find that when I want something,
I will mentally say “I WANT THAT” and forget all about it.
Those are the things I usually get.
A little bit of Law of Attraction never hurt, right?

But I have noticed….

when I want something/someone and I am obsessed with it,
to the point it makes me sad and depressed,
questioning myself and what I am worth
I usually never get it.

This always is the case with Wolves.


15 thoughts on “Jamari-ism (1)

  1. UrSoVain :

    #whoisjamarifox :
    The questioning part definitely.
    I notice something – if there is a Wolf I am interested in, i would see him. There is a few sexy Wolves in my building I have bumped into and it never fails that when I look out the window or leave, they would be there.
    With material things, I have seen them and in my future, I would own it. I would forget about it and move on.
    Very weird. Has that happened to you Vain? Anyone else?

    Material things are probably the easiest thing for me to attain. I have the degree, car, and other possessions that I’ve always wanted because i knew i could get them. However, i attributed it to the fact that their inanimate objects and not capable of thinking or wanting something else. However when it comes to men, I have a harder time materializing their attainment because i hold this belief that you can’t want something enough for two people. Maybe that needs to change?

    Maybe you need to change that belief you think?

    1. I suppose it matters where you’re coming at it from. You cant get a commitment resistant man to wanna turn around and put a ring on your finger no matter how much you want it. However, its important to look for men who are in line with ones wants and needs and values and such. I would have to start envisioning that that cute guy from down the side walk wants to talk and get to know and be in a relationship with me… because its not only possible… but I’m worthy of it.












        **DRAMATIC PAUSE**



  2. First off, craving causes suffering. That’s why it hurts so bad. To obsess over something means you really don’t think it’s going to happen or materialize.
    Secondly, if you hold a root belief against what you consciously desire, it will be delayed in appearing in your life. The universe is working with you not against you. If you don’t believe that examine subjectively why you don’t.
    Third, when you see something in life that you want or like, say out loud to yourself every once in a while “More of that please.” Try it for a week, wherever you are and you like something/someone without, guilt or shame, say that phrase.
    In closing, examine your beliefs about men–are they positive, negative, or conflicting? With a universe that supports you, do you think asking for a specific type of man is beneficial or detrimental for your goals in life?

    Just like material things, visualize the relationships you want in life, and then claim it. Not crave it, grab it, or hope it happens one day. The point of power is right now. Your today is the confluence of your thoughts and beliefs up to this point. Happily take responsibility for your life.

      1. LOL.

        No it’s not. My government name literally means victory of the people.

    1. Its odd because i have full knowledge of this. I understand the way the universe works but i have trouble with the “claim it” piece because… well… i guess i confused it up until this point it with “hope it happens ones day.” At least when it comes to men. “More of that please” will most likely be the first exercise ill get into the habit of doing. I’ve always had issues with the idea that its NOT okay to want a relationship. People often make it seem like you’re wrong. These people are often single themselves. I know that there’s a huge difference in wanting on because you want one… and wanting one because you don’t want to be a lone. The whole loving yourself and getting to know yourself thing and learning to be by yourself is all well and good but there are those of us who are at that point and still look to their right and think… “it would be nice if..”

      1. If you get busy doing you other people eventually are gonna wanna do you too. You are most magnetic when you are in a state of flow. For me this is when I’m cooking, eating out, or traveling. Most of my top-notch wolves/foxes I met were either at grocery stores, restaurants, or at the airport. Remember the places you where when you met wolf you wanted before. What was happening in your environment? What were you doing? How did you feel?

  3. I hear you. I don’t know if that idea works with specific men though? I wonder if the want would have to be more general. Or do you think it has more to do with the obsession followed by questioning whether or not you can even attain it?

    1. The questioning part definitely.

      I notice something – if there is a Wolf I am interested in, i would see him. There is a few sexy Wolves in my building I have bumped into and it never fails that when I look out the window or leave, they would be there.

      With material things, I have seen them and in my future, I would own it. I would forget about it and move on.

      Very weird. Has that happened to you Vain? Anyone else?

      1. #whoisjamarifox :
        The questioning part definitely.
        I notice something – if there is a Wolf I am interested in, i would see him. There is a few sexy Wolves in my building I have bumped into and it never fails that when I look out the window or leave, they would be there.
        With material things, I have seen them and in my future, I would own it. I would forget about it and move on.
        Very weird. Has that happened to you Vain? Anyone else?

        Material things are probably the easiest thing for me to attain. I have the degree, car, and other possessions that I’ve always wanted because i knew i could get them. However, i attributed it to the fact that their inanimate objects and not capable of thinking or wanting something else. However when it comes to men, I have a harder time materializing their attainment because i hold this belief that you can’t want something enough for two people. Maybe that needs to change?

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