I Like Pussy and I Love Dick, But Do I Want Pussy? Or Do I Want Dick?

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no Fox/Wolf/Hybrid

1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally Fox/Wolf/Hybrid

2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally Fox/Wolf/Hybrid

3- Equally heterosexual and Fox/Wolf/Hybrid

4- Predominantly Fox/Wolf/Hybrid, but more than incidentally heterosexual

5- Predominantly Fox/Wolf/Hybrid, only incidentally heterosexual

6- Exclusively Fox/Wolf/Hybrid

What is “The Kinsey Scale?“….

“The Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, sometimes referred to as the “Kinsey Scale,” was developed by Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin in 1948, in order to account for research findings that showed people did not fit into neat and exclusive heterosexual or homosexual categories.

Interviewing people about their sexual histories, the Kinsey team found that, for many people, sexual behavior, thoughts and feelings towards the same or opposite sex was not always consistent across time. Though the majority of men and women reported being exclusively heterosexual, and a percentage reported exclusively homosexual behavior and attractions, many individuals disclosed behaviors or thoughts somewhere in between.


I always believed that no one is totally straight in 2012.
Granted about 10% of people would never touch someone of the same sex,
but I do believe the rest are all scattered about in the spectrum of fantasies, curiosities, total fear, and fuck it.
So I started to wonder if the Kinsey team was onto something,
or is this all just a bunch of phooey?
I had to ask…
Boy, girl, boy, boy, girl, girl, or sometimes both at the same time….
Is the world really made up of “2s, 3s, and 4s“…
or is it just “straight”, “gay”, and no “in-between”?

Is the Kinsey Scale real?

26 thoughts on “I Like Pussy and I Love Dick, But Do I Want Pussy? Or Do I Want Dick?

  1. I believe the Kinsey Scale has the right idea, just need to multiply it by 7 billion people. We are all unique, nature vs. nurture, in reality both really play a big role. I know we like to classify everything, but that seems to be the problem for most people. If a guy admits he had a gay experience he will have to live with that classification for the rest of his life. People stay on the down low because they don’t want to be labeled, not because they are ashamed. If they were really ashamed of it they probably wouldn’t have done it in the first place. I’ve slept with a lot of “straight” guys and I can tell you they definitely had a smile on their face the whole time.

  2. That 10% is far stretched I’d say2% and add culture, self discovery, image to the list

  3. I think the Kinsey Study is so remarkable because it was conducted in the mid 20th century, when mores and attitudes were so extremely prudish and oppressive, to be able to solicit the responses from the many individuals who had to be interviewed to give credence to the study. It brings to mind the work I’ve done with incarcerated individuals, in and once released from prison or jail. In group settings, no one acknowledges even having seen anything, yet in confidential assessments, 60 percent admited to having engaged in same-sex behavior that was not forced.

    Kinsey’s work is even more remarkable, when we consider, in the 21st century, that despite marriage equality in 6 states and the District of Columbia (Maryland will make it 7 states if the November referendum fails to overturn its recently passed legislation that the governor signed) and a President who supports marriage equality, that there is still so much hatred toward LGBT people, causing so many to still live in fear.

    1. I think internalized homophobia causes most of the hatred and the fear comes from the threat of being exposed as the ultimate Other. Self-hatred and self-deprecation comes from being in toxic religious institutions or toxic family environments but the final analysis comes from what one believes about themselves to be true.

      Some gay and bisexual men absolutely hate the fact that they are gay or bisexual. Everything else–societal, familial, or religious voices–is just background noise that they tend to agree with or work, through various means, to block it all out.

      I don’t believe homosexuality is an abomination, but a surprising number of people believe this to be the truth.

      My question has always been if the truth sets you free then why are you still in bondage?

      1. “…if the truth sets you free then why are you still in bondage?” iceededppl, I am always asking myself that.question. How do these people, some well educated, sit and suspend all reason, listening to that verbiage. It’s scary, and that’s where much of our problem lies.

  4. I agree w/everyone that there are a lot more bisexual people, but the stigma attached to it (for me anyway), keeps them quiet & closeted/DL. Women can be more open about it. Most “str8” women won’t get w/a bi man (they think he’s gay), and many lesbians shun bi girls (they think she’ll leave for a man) *shrug*

    1. We definitely have some generational spread on here, which I think is a good thing for perspective. Your statement, YngBlkWolf, speaks to how things have changed since HIV/AIDS came onto the scene. Before, females used to like to party with gay men — some still do — and seek them out for sex because they said that gay men were much better in bed than straight men, that they were not selfish and knew how to please them more.

  5. The Man :
    In our society, it’s more acceptable for women to have same sex encounters because they’re not dickin eachother, it’s that simple.

    Lol. Uhm. Lesbians dick each other. All the time.

      1. They use strap ons too. Either way you slice it, women will always be accepted when it comes to same sex relationships, but men will not. *sigh*

  6. 1% of the population is homosexual.
    1% of the population is heterosexual.
    98% of the population claim no determinable sexual orientation.

    Most of my clients have been either heteroflexible or exclusively bisexual.

  7. Not everyone is either gay or straight. Some people are bisexual…hell I believe MOST people are bisexual but there is such a stigma (Esp among men) that most people won’t admit it.

    I wish people would be people and let people live their truth but I think I would be asking for too much.

  8. For guys on the lower end of the scale, if whoever is really “pretty”/fine (has to be to overwrite the strong vixen feelings), smells good, etc., then the most straight of men might at least think about it. Some call it guy crushes

  9. Even if a straight person never has a sexual encounter with someone of the same gender, you cannot tell me that they never had some sort of sexual fantasy or curiosity toward another. Isn’t that how most realize that they are attracted to the same gender? Be it their good looks, voice, or other physical attributes, there is something that captures their interest.

      1. Oh, they won’t. I see the glances on the street, in the store, AND in the shower/pool area/locker room at the gym. And that’s just the men, who happen to be with their wives, kids, or friends.

        The women are more coy about it. Touching another woman’s hair, boobs, & extensive compliments.

  10. Yep, I think the Kidsey Scale is real, and everyone has homosexual thoughts at some point, and if they haven’t, they will.

    On this scale I would say I’m a 4.

    LMAO@the gif. Lab partner my ass, more like bed partner.

  11. It is. I know plenty of “straight” men and women who’ve had homosexual thoughts or homosexual experiences.

    1. ^Is it more acceptable for Vixens to have same sex encounters?
      Because once a Wolf/Fox/Hybrid,
      he is labelled gay… and there is no questions asked.

      1. Yes, it is. It is a fantasy of (straight) men to see two women smashing, if you will. But how often do you hear about (straight) men/women wanting to see two men go at it?

      2. It is.
        And that’s really a problem because a man doesn’t just face it from the heterosexual community, but the homosexual community as well.

        Although, that said, not all men want to see two women make out. I know a few that object to it.

      3. In our society, it’s more acceptable for women to have same sex encounters because they’re not dickin eachother, it’s that simple.

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