so ya’ll telling me that tupac was gay?

^this is one of my favorite pictures of tupac.
i wasn’t into him as far as attraction but i can’t deny how handsome he was.
his face card could not be denied.
so you know folks on tiktok love to dwelve into the vocal think piece?
a foxholer sent me that tupac’s sexuality is up for discussion.
apparently and allegedly,
he was gay and jada’s bestie?
his mouth is the sign he was gay?
@thechadthegr8backup on tiktok is on the case and…

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dwight howard tells ya’ll to mind ya’ll bedrooms

dwight howard told ya’ll.
he saidddddddddd:

I got caught up but mind your damn business.”

okay fine,
he didn’t say it like that but he said it almost like that

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cardi b might be looking to take the olive branch from tasha k?

time and forgiveness.
for many of us,
we were taught to forgive especially with a religious background.
depending on the hurt tho,
many things are pretty unforgivable even if we tried.
it seems that cardi b is at that cross road in her forest with tasha k.
( x we fonted about their beef here )
cardi seems to be heading into dropping the lawsuit and…

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prince michael shows us the perks of being a big mouth

like ^his screen name,
 prince has spoken and maybe he shouldn’t have.
i always font:

We would be shocked to know who has talked/been in relationships/or had sex with on the low.

there are people we wouldn’t think are gay/bi

…but were wrapped around the fingers of someone of the same sex.

i love when you can text them and they answer quick.
no lines; no waiting.

you can share something really special with another person…
until they go on a podcast to reveal  they had phenomenal sex with you.
prince michael of love and hiphop miami fame did just that when…

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kim kardashian fed the gays today with baller meat in underwear

kim kardashian is many things but she knows how to sell.
we can say its the mama but why them other sisters like fishes out of water?
kim is and will always be the leader within that family.
she is more versatile too.
she got the gays attention with her latest ad for skims today.
she enlisted the help of 3 baller wolves to sell the underwear…

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the jackal who ran a red and crashed his car in kenn idol’s lane

some jackals can’t take “no” or “not interested” for an answer.
once their little heads as a hard on for someone,
it will bypass any logic or common sense.
elon musk’s social media continues to show us the “other side“.
the swamps ain’t been drained.
a foxholer sent me a tweet from kenn idol aka @therealkenidol.
a stalking jackal showed up at his door and well…

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