now ya’ll know damn well he would be a cornball

Let’s be 110% in The Foxhole…

including gays,
claim we want ^this.
the real issue is,
and folks can deny all they want

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Foxhole, i’m starting to think our allies hate us

Gay or straight,
Black or white,
Big or Small,
Slim or thick.

there are many people,
we won’t font any names or races,
that suddenly want black folks to stand with them atm.
they want us to become allies,
and sing kumbuya in the streets but…

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dylan o’brien backstrokes his way to the front of the line for gay fantasies

He looks better with a beard.

take that how you will.
so dylan o’ brien was the talk of the forests all weekend.
i was never a “teen wolf” kind of fox but that is where he started.
i do remember him being the love interest in a taylor swift video tho.

the reason he was the talk was about a new movie he is in called “twinless“.
it is about two males who end up in a relationship because…
they are twinless twins.
it wasn’t the “potential oscar buzz” (i kid) movie that was the font…

it was his gay sex scene in the movie…

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plaqueboymax is tired of ya’ll wanting to pulverize dem meaty bunz

Besides Aaron Taylor Johnson,
a straight having a fat tail often means lacking big meat.
We have seen this time and time again on OF.
I don’t make the rules.

back in the 90s,
jean claude van damme and christopher meloni were know for their fat tails.

they knew they had a gay audience and kept them well fed.
you can’t let the attentionistos of today know they got big butts.
they start to do everything to show it off in various ways on their socials,
but once the gays start trying to get into their boxes,
they suddenly want to cry wolf.
twitch streamer,
has gotten too much attention for his butt cheeks has overwhelmed him…

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so what time will the anarchy start during this sh!t show?



so its only been a week in this new administration and i’m exhausted.
i’ve noticed my tolerance and patience is at an all time low.
i read that our new president decided to continue living up to all expectations earlier:

a Foxholer sent me what this means in terms to understand

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don’t you love being the “i told you so” guy?

People learning the hard way…
and again.
and again.

here’s the thing

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