The Gays Started Ebola With All That, Ya Know, Gay Stuff

Ebola-Outbreak-Spreads-Bella-Naija8so the gays are now to blame for ebola.
we always get the good scandals,
don’t we?
well the gay community is under attack in liberia for staring it…
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Spanky Hayes Is Going To Spank Tyrese

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 8.19.01 PMwell spanky is really going hard with this,
ain’t he?
so remember he had a lot to say about a few people,
including tyrese?

you know…
about tyrese allegedly having to ( x get on his knees ) to be in baby boy.
well after tyrese dropped his response video on facebook,
spanky dropped his response video to the response video on instagram
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Chris Brown Starring In “Givers or Takers” With A Transgendered She-Jackal?

i needed a minute after this one.
as i always like to throw out there,
chris brown had relations with a transgender she-jackal at his house in virginia.
of course she is kissing and telling…
on november 3rd.
save the date!
so this is what she-jackal looks like…
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Has Teairra Mari Fallen Off? (Don’t Answer That)

Ray-J-Whine-1413844196that was the look on my face.
i’ll get into why i was looking like that.
anyway so i stopped watching “love and hiphop: hollywood”.
i saw the second episode and was bored.
have we confirmed if that one chick is a transexual?
as you can see from my <—- #nowwatching,
i traded that show in for “gotham”.
one of my vixen buddies hit me up today about the mess that is teairra mari.
she performed on the show last night and well…
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Has Tyrese Big Mouth Gotten Him Where He Needed To Be?

i ain’t shit for using ^that picture.

i couldn’t resist.
so one of my favorite movies is “baby boy”.
someone stole my dvd and i’m still vex at that,
but that movie was a hood classic.
tyrese always said he got a far as he did through hard work.
well carlos “spanky” hayes,
one of the stars from “wild ‘n out”,
had a revelation on how tyrese allegedly got the role of “jody”.
so carlos had said…
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Joe Budden Turns Gay Girl’s Straight

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if i had a coochie,
his voice alone would make me drip down to my knees.
inside voice.
joe budden,
aside all his craziness,
is a pretty sexy wolf.
am i right?
well he claims he has the super d.
its powers?
turning all the gay chicks he slept with straight

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