What Its Like To Be A Vixen Walking On The Street

tumblr_na7uu5pvwL1r55j58o2_250ive asked a few vixens how they feel when wolves holla at them on the street.

“i hate it.”
“its annoying.”
“i don’t stop for these pineapples.”
“what do i look like stopping for a pineapple in a car? a prostitute?”

i often wondered if i was a vixen,
would i like the attention?
in my head,
if the wolf was fine,
i mos def would stop and get his number.
most of the times,
as vixens put it,
the fine wolves don’t ask them for their numbers on the street.
well the following youtube video is a about a vixen,
with a fat ass,
walking the streets of new yawk for 10 hours.
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So Spanky Hayes Lied About Tyrese and His Big Mouth?

Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 10.05.50 PMshots fired!
in other “where are you going with this?” news,
spanky hayes explains why he did what he did.
you know him and tyrese got into ( x a little spat ) the other day,
well he even made a response video to the response video:


well spanky did allllllllll this…
to admit today he did it for shock value and attention.
he had a radio interview with imradio.com and well…
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Chris Brown’s Transgendered House Jackal Speaks!

chris-brown-instagramwell damn!
november 3rd came quick!
shit i done missed halloween
the transgendered she jackal by the name of shauna brooks,
who supposedly did “something” with chris brown,
sped up the date to talk about what happened that night at his crib.
you know ( x the one ) i’m talking about…
you better pull up a chair and grab some popcorn.
this is what went down
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Drake Is Who I Would Call To Handle Some Ass

Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 12.01.58 AMthats right!
i’d call champagne papi!
drake looks like he knows how to throw down…
…in a fight?
well drake was about to go back in a club to save one of his manz.
…and on his birthday no less!
here is some footage
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Tyrese Is Randomly Random

Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 11.15.00 PMin very random dating news,
tyrese debuted his new love interest today.
i already know what you are thinking…
trust me.
i’m with you.
anyway on some super duper random shit,
this is who black ty is dating now…
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Time To Change My Eye Color To “Ghastly Grey”

Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 10.28.51 PM ass shots are out!
new eyes are in!
contacts are out!
surgery is in!
it seems like everyone will be running to change their eye color.
will you?
well tiny,
t.i. lovely wife,
got her eyes re-done after much speculating.
this is her new eye color,
along with what she said on instagram

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