Category: WOW
weed is a drug and addictive. argue with the surgeon general.
i’m gonna font a controversial statement but…
Weed is addictive and some folks are in denial about it.
folks love to scream weed isn’t a drug but can’t function without smoking.
they can’t sleep,
they can’t do normal tasks,
can’t fuck,
or can’t handle their anger or anxiety without it.
bad enough,
it makes folks paranoid about damn near everything.
I still maintain the last time I was high af,
i tapped into everyone’s energy like I was Professor X.
a foxholer sent me this video of a she-jackal who is absolutely dependent by weed…
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malik joseph and knockout show us what happens when the sex is good?
*the following entry is rated xxx.
viewer discretion is strongly advised.
i’ve learned that when someone has really good sex,
it can bypass your commonsense.exe programming.
The sex can be absolutely terrible
it’s the connection that keeps you around.
folks with low self-esteem suffer the most with this.
it’s worst when it’s sex because it can be like a drug.
every stroke or grip makes you fall deeper into the abyss of despair.
after accusing malik joseph of being abusive,
showing cuts and scraps on social media,
knockout and malik joseph decide to do this…
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they are about to send “well you’re fired” emails to those who don’t wanna let go of WFH
after my last job,
one of my life’s passions is to drag toxic corporate environments and bosses.
i’ll drag a toxic job while drinking chamomile tea and listening to mozart.
that tweet above highlights the dark side of the panny coming to an end tbh…
would you stay if your partner confessed to smashin’ someone in the crew? (janet mock did!)
what is going on bts of fx’s “pose“?
it’s been some drama since the second season.
the final season appeared the other night,
but all folks are still talking about is janet mock’s meltdown.
at the premiere party at “jazz at lincoln center“,
she went ape shit over her worth and other “foot in the mouth” in a 15-minute speech.
what had me looking at her crazy was how she embarrassed her manz “papi“,
who is played by angel bismark cruiel on the show.
according to “page six“…
they want “the girl in pink” dead to avenge the death of ma’khia bryant
there have been a lot of stories about ma’khia bryant since her death.
whenever i asked:
she was about to be jumped and she called the police…
Why did she go outside with a knife?”
no one can give me answers.
there was no bullying and there are other twists and turns within this story.
“the girl in pink” is at the heart of this story.
she is the one that was about to get stabbed before ma’khia was shot to death.
i’m hearing she was innocent and has been receiving death threats…
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joseline woke up and chose violence and chaos for aunt wendy
i fucks with this picture.
joseline whole aura >
i have soft spot for joseline hernandez.
she is one of the veterans of the “lhh” franchise i started (and ended) that show with.
you can count on joseline to be unapologetically herself.
on another side of the coin,
you can expect aunt wendy (williams) to be the same as well.
they are both alpha vixens who are who they are.
So you know when it was time for them to have a discussion,
it may come to verbal blows at some point.
joseline woke up and chose violence and chaos yesterday.
she appeared on “the wendy williams show” to promote her show,
“joseline’s cararet miami” on zeus,
and well…
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