Michael B Jordan Is Dating A What Now?

tumblr_njoq5veZVG1t1ou0yo2_250^this is my face when my vix-bi sent in this story.
so michael b jordan is allegedly dating a kardashian.
twitter had a whole melt down because of it.
of all the pussy in hollywood,
he finds himself in…
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We Are About To Get Sued!

tumblr_mnw3acnA1p1rd1fmuo1_500well we are all headed to court because we gonna be sued.
well for being gay/bi/tri
thats why!
an f-bi sent me this story from complex.
i screamed at work…
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Just Enunciate Floyd!

Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 6.53.13 PMi guess…
when are worth 380 million dollars,
you don’t need to know your wording?
that was sad to actually type that.
well an f-bi sent a video of floyd mayweather struggling in an “after fight” interview.
the word?
check it out…
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Sandra Rose Can’t Bring Down Jussie Smollett’s Empire

Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 7.48.57 PMwhat the hell is sandra rose’s issue with gay men?
well she came at jussie smollett,
aka jamal lyon from empire,
real crazy on twitter.
i guess she didn’t realize he also has a mouth on him as well…
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Ray J Had Some Things To Say About Whitney Houston (Eek!)

tumblr_lumm5qfm231qb9pa3o1_500well he had a lot to say about kim k!
am i the only one who thought he was sexy in that tape?

so apparently someone released an old interview with ray j.
he was talking about his relations with kim k and the great whitney houston.
well he had a lot to say about the late singer.
like how he used her for fame and wasn’t really feeling her.
take a listen…

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They’re Mad That No Latinos Are on Empire

tumblr_nicmocynPr1u6t7vjo1_1280…and it starts.
a show becomes successful and everyone starts to pick it apart.
this time its our spanish foxhole who has a problem with “empire”.
well not all…
one writer at latina magazine tho.
this is what she had said in her write up

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