great balls of grease fire!

Panic has a funny way of turning even the smartest among us into complete disasters.
it’s kind of like how those clueless white vixens,
who always run…

when fear takes over,
you’re stuck in fight,
or freeze mode.
If there’s a fire on your stove,
freezing isn’t exactly a winning strategy.
case in point of what was on my elon swamp timeline….
Continue reading “great balls of grease fire!” →when did we start turning on beyoncé?

The Hive has gone quiet,
leaving their queen to fend for herself.
when did we start turning on beyoncé?
don’t font it’s because of the hive either.
every stan base gets messy but lately,
her army feels more “civilian” than “soldier”.see what i did there?
saucy santana’s past shade when he came for blue ivy?
candace owens has been running her mouth…
the timeline takes another twist and meagan good is part of the plot

Meagan Good is starting in a new production.
It’s called “Why Is This Happening?”
i feel like i’ve been in a state of confusion all 2024.
to add to my long list of confusion,
my sis just dropped a bombshell at the ebony 100 gala.
what was supposed to be a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fling with jonathan majors…
don’t fight the FLO: embrace the throwback

We (desperately) want that ol’ thing back.
muni long’s “made for me” hit different,
didn’t it?
it’s like a love letter to the golden days of R&B,
it fed our nostalgia-starved many of our millennial hearts.
it gave heavy midnight love:
let’s get into FLO,
the UK trio who teamed up with missy for “fly girl“:
…and delivered a sound so 90s/2000s it feels like a time machine.
of course,
many are out here calling their music “dated”.
funny tho…
the 4b movement is going to have gay and trans Foxholers busy next year

Hey there,
do hear that knock?
Just listen…
that’s the sound of many males sliding deep into your DMs.
there’s a war brewing and not just in the forests but in the sheets.
elon’s swamp is being drained and many vixens are putting a pause on penises.
enter: the 4B movement…
so i watched megan the stallion’s documentary and uh…

over the weekend,
i was craving to watch something that felt both real and raw.
it led me to watching megan the stallion‘s documentary,
“in her words”.
there’s been so much chatter about her supposedly lying about sleeping with tory lanez. i couldn’t help but think,
“honestly, wouldn’t anyone lie about that?”
i wanted the full story of all that went down in 2020.
the whole messy and unfiltered truth.
the clips floating around on social media were painting her out to be this villain.
so i watched and let me font…
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