Category: SUS
i wonder if he cleans up his sperm from the backseat of his cop car?
i don’t mess with cops too tough…
…but if i met one that looked like ^this Dominican stallion,
he could do me in the cop car,
on the cop car,
under the cop car,
and through the cop car.
all jokes aside (kinda) but cops are fascinating creatures.
some of them don’t know what to do with their power.
many of them love to cheat with hookers and even their partners.
like ( x these two cops who would have sex loud in their cop car ).
a jackal in blue named francesco marlett from maryland has no chill.
he was caught boldly having relations with his side-hoe in his backseat…
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so obama was out here doing the gay and smoking the crack?
slowly move it all the back.
whenever someone in the media starts getting randomly tarnished,
i start asking myself:
“WTF did they do?”
barack obama has been tarnished for many years by those who oppose him.
they want something,
to happily say he wasn’t “perfect“.
this happens to many of us when we are chosen tbh.
black and chosen,
but whatever.
tucker carlson wants to be the one to break a bombshell about obama.
in a new interview on his twitter show,
he has a random claiming obama smoked crack before they did the gay.
life hasn’t been kind to this random…
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when they are in control, you’ll be able to sex and marry a 15-year-old?
“In honor of your tribe”
“When we are in control”
ya’ll see the wording in this question?
the wild part is that they call gays “groomers“.
that we secretly try to lurk on children.
when in actuality,
i see more straights getting caught up for violating kids,
especially ones that are supposed to teach them.
Based on this question,
the person in that picture is supposed to be 15.
someone answered and i was shook…
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the mercury retrograde brought darius jackson back to keke palmer (aww cutes!)
when i was dealing with the work wolf issue,
i didn’t think i’d ever leave him alone tbh.
i’ll be 100 with you:
If he would have opened the gate for a re-do,
I would have gone back with my tail tucked between my legs.
when i look back at that rough time in my life,
The Foxhole legit dragged me so hard and i’m grateful.
i think God made us separate for all the right reasons.
it couldn’t be seen back then but it was the plan for now.
Did we really think Keke Palmer was going to completely leave her baby daddy,
Darius Jackson?
survey says…
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britney is freer than free now?
i’m waiting for a particular crowd when it comes to britney.
you know the ones i’m fonting about.
1 – “She divorced him and she is free now!
Let her have her fun!”
i’m just going to font that i was right…
where are the strings attached in getting this 18k?
is it this easy to get 18k?
there are some people who won’t see heaven.
i guess it’s whatever religious story you believe in.
i like to think when your paws are dirty,
you will reap what you sew.
remember ( x this entry )?
i legit thought someone was trying to bless me.
in my religious story,
i thought God was about to make me an example.
“I was struggling but Gawd,
my glorious Gawd,
sent an angel to come through with a random blessing!”
i got led on but then i saw what they posted on their stories…
Continue reading “where are the strings attached in getting this 18k?” →
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